Can this really be happening?

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This ("__") means your in your head
And this * mean POV. Hope your enjoying it so far.



I was just chilling with Jungkook listening to some music, when he rested his head on my shoulder.("Ohh... myy.. good., I can die now thanks") The look on m face was the definition of shook. ("He smells really good, his hair feels soft....") As I was in my own little world, I feel a hand grab my wrist are rip me right out of the scene. when I followed from the hand up the arm to find that the person that had grab my was...Namjoon. 

He looked to mad and a bit heart broken? as we were leaving Jungkook grab my other wrist.("WTF  is happening here?")

back to sugar*

And THEN just as Namjoon hyung was about to say something are manager come out of know where ripe (Y/N) out from between them place her aside and told the two to get ready cause we are now on stand by.(" man I wanted to see what happened next!")


just as I was about to go get ready, (Y/N) brought me to the side/ out of the way. " what was that about? what's wrong? ....huh?" she said, with an annoyed tone. " I I am sorry, its just that ... see you with him and I knowing that he likes you, make me a bit .... jealous." I say stuttering and the last part under me breath. " why does Jungkook liking me have anything to do with what you did?" But before I could answer I had to go on stage.

3rd person*

As BTS where dancing, singing and spending time with their beloved ARMYs.(Y/N) was enjoying the show from her front row seat, she  started to think about what Namjoon said, and she has enough dramas and answered her own question to him. " Kim Namjoon likes me?!" she says under her breath as she looks down.

she gets up out of here seat and "runs" to a staff member she knows, and tells them that she is heading back to the hotel, and that she to celebrate with them later.

******Backstage/shows over*******

as the boys all gather in the room Jungkook and RM our far apart but share the same worried look, both are looking around to find (Y/N).  She is no where to be found. " Where is (Y/N)? Taehyung says as if he lost something. The staff tell them that she is ok and that she is back at the hotel. 


Jungkook looks really mad, I need to do something. " Hey kookie can we talk?" All the other members looks at us. He say with a bunny smile " sure hyung". He acts all nice till we are out of view. " what is it hyung?" he say with pissed off look in his eyes. "well I know that you like (Y/N).. and I do too, I don't what this to come between us.. I am your hyung and if you really like her that much I will back away." I said looking straight in his eye and the last part at my feet.

" No, I will be the one to back off, I do like her but I can tell that you like her WAY more then me." "And hey gotta say loyal to ARMY and IU" he say with a little laugh. I look up at him and give him a little hug. "Thank.. and IU is out of your league." I say jokingly. we go back to the room every having fun and happy after a successful show.


Hey im back and got some good ideas for up coming parts. Teaser i am going to skip like a year a head in the next 2 chapters or so.

Sorry no new pic of namjoon ㅠ.ㅠ

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