1- Kittypet?

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I'll try to make this good so bare with me, anyways enjoy! Also sorry this took so long to get out but my hand has been hurting so it's been hard to write. I was planning to get it out earlier but turns out it took longer.
Y/n= your name
Y/a/n= your apprentice name
Y/m/n= your mentors name

Your fur was slightly ruffled as the feeling of something important about to happen tingled in your paws. You flicked your tail anxiously, wanting to know the source of the feeling.

Your eyes locked on the sillouhettes of three cats leaving, one a dark tabby, one with a ginger tail, the last with a pelt as dark as a ravens.

You let out a low growl of frustration, not noticing the grey cat that crept next to you.

"Hey Y/a/n, what's with the bitter look?" Graypaw asked loudly, making you jump slightly.

"Oh I just got a feeling" you said, tucking your tail to your side.

The apprentice wrinkled his nose.

"Really? The last time that happened you were so distracted you didnt notice a bird and it flew off screeching." He said jokingly.

You groaned and buried your face in your paws as he snickered.

"Tigerclaw was furious! We had to hunt somewhere else after that."

"Yea and he made me help the elders! It was so embarrassing" you whined.

"I thought it was great! Oh by the way want to know what happened the other day past sunset?" He said, changing the subject.

You perked up and looked at him questioningly humming in response.

"Well, I was hunting by twoleg place when I noticed a kittypet trying to hunt on our territory, so being the brave apprentice I am, I went to chase him off but he fought back! I didnt know kittypet where like that! We talked for a bit and he seemed really curious about the clan. Then Bluestar and Lionheart came and talked too, and get this, Bluestar offered for him to join the clan!" Graypaw finished, sounding amazed.

"She offered him to join the clan? A kittypet?" You asked in surprise.

"I couldnt believe it myself!" He said excitedly.

"Did he except?" You asked

"I'm not sure, Bluestar said she would send someone back to meet him today at sunhigh." Graypaw replied.

You looked up at they sky, it was still morning, sunhigh wouldn't be for a while.

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see." You purred


"His name shall be Firepaw!" Bluestar called out as the new cat hurried his collar under dirt.

Some of the clan went forward to greet him, you watched as Graypaw leaped away from you and went to join Firepaw.

You stood and went to Y/m/n as they had promised that they were going to take you hunting.

"Ready to go?" Y/m/n asked

You nodded, "Super!"

"Have you greeted the new apprentice?"

"Er, no but can't I do that when we get back?" You asked.

Y/m/n sighed, "Well alright, I just want to make sure that he feels welcome he may have been a kittypet but he's a clan apprentice now"

"I understand." you said happily, leaping after your mentor as she went out the entrance of the camp.

The sun was beginning to set when you were headed back to camp your mouths full of prey. Your mentor told you that your assessment would be coming up soon and that you should prepare.

You were so excited, you would finally be closer to being a warrior now. Those were your thoughts as you entered the camp, dropping your prey at the fresh-kill pile before heading to the apprentices den.

You noticed the ginger blob laying in a nest next to Graypaw you settled into your own nest, closing your eyes as you fell asleep.

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