5- Distracted

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The memory of your dreams had been bothering you all day. You barely caught any prey, every conversation a cat tried having with you ended with you trailing off and not even listening anymore.

You had never been so distracted before and it didnt go unnoticed.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Fireheart asked.

You were out hunting with him and Whitestorm, the white warrior had suggested splitting up sense he had brought along Sandpaw who seemed intent on giving your ginger friend a hard time.

"Oh uh.. Yea." You muttered.

"I'm just wondering because you seemed distracted, not just now but all day." He hesitantly pressed.

From what you were aware of he was still uncertain of you. Of course you were friends but you hadn't ever interacted one on one so there was no telling to the fire colored tom how you would act.

You sighed, "It's just..."

His ears perked as he noticed your reluctance.

"You dont have to tell me if you dont want to." He put in kindly.

"No no, its ok, I'm just worried it may sound strange." You nervously said.

He shook his head, "I don't mind, you could tell me and I won't think that."

You briefly wondered how he could not think it weird unless he had a similar experience before shaking it off.

"I, er, you see I've been having very strange dreams lately." You said.

His green gaze turned to you in shock.

"Dreams?" He echoed.

"Yes, I think they may just be dreams, after all Starclan doesnt give extraordinary dreams to cats like me, but they keep disturbing me with how vivid they are."

"Explain it"

"Well the first one I was in a field of barley and it seemed never ending until I come out and there's a cat sitting ahead of me, it seems familiar but I'm not sure who it is."

Fireheart seemed to begin thinking.

"Then everything sets on fire and I cant escape, theres a cat on top of a giant rock that blocks me from leaving and and his eyes are glowing!"

"That's strange." He murmured.

"My next dream is a bit much-"

You described the dream you had that last night while he listened with a thoughtful expression.

"I'm not really sure what your dreams are about but maybe they mean something" Fireheart spoke.

"Like what?" You sniffed.

He shrugged, "Don't know, anyways we should do some hunting before we get in trouble."

You walked by Firheart as you pushed away your thoughts and focused on your task. You caught a few mice and a finch befire Fireheart recommended going back to camp.

When you where almost at camp you spoke up.

"Thanks for listening, I know it was probably boring." You said apologetically.

"It wasn't! It was actually interesting." He said.

You couldnt help but feel his words had a deeper meaning.

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