10- Finale

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"Any deeper and I wouldn't have been able to do anything, your lucky I'll tell you that." Cinderpelt said.

"Yea, thanks again anyway, I'll see you later, bye" you dissmissed yourself with a small wave of your tail.

You stepoed out of the medicine clearing and into the camp. You watched absently as cats went about their business, in the time it had took you to heal you had managed to talk with Fireheart.

After a bit of awkward tension you were both comfortable around eachother again. You felt happy about his, you knew that he had to feel slightly more lonely without Graystripe in the clan.

You spotted the tom sitting not to far away, appearing to be in thought, about what you didn't know. You slowly walked over, taking note that he didnt seem to notice your approach.

You sat next to him looking at his face before running your tail over his back. He slightly jumped, head turning to the side to look at you in surprise.

Letting out a purr of amusement, you curled your tail next to you.

"You seemed distracted? Anything bothering you?"

He relaxed before turning his gaze up to the sky.

"Nothing really. Just a few problems, nothing to worry about." He replied.

It was silent after that, you crouched down, tucking your legs under you as your friend started thinking again. You began to feel drowsy, muscles still sore from the exercises Cinderpelt made special for you, as not to reopen any injuries.

Before you knew it you dozed off in the warm sun, head laying to rest lightly against Fireheart, not that he really noticed anyway.

When he eventually did notice, gazing down at your peaceful form with a blank stare he began to feel happy, not really sure why.

He allowed you to rest against him until you woke up, which wasn't long at all.

"Y/n?" He asked


"I think I like you."

You heart lurched before beginning to pound rapidly.

"Wh- Really?"

He nodded, "Sorry it took so long for me to realize."

"Oh that means nothing now! I thought you would have liked Sandstorm, after all she likes you but I'm happy that you like me!" You purred.

He responded with a purr of his own. You nuzzled him softly.

"I'm so glad he chose me."

Fireheart/star x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now