8- Traitor

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Tigerclaw's loud call broke through the calm air as rouges flooded in. You had no time to think as a silver shecat leapt at you, claws and teeth bared.

She leaped onto you and slashed at your shoulders. You let out a shriek of pain before whirling around and knocking her head around with your front paws before she ran off.

You looked around wildly at the heaving mass of cats, you took a few steps, trying to go help Brindleface when a large tabby tackled you down, shoving your muzzle into the ground.

You stuggled frantically against him, unable to breathe. You suddenly remembered a move that Fireheart had told you about moons ago.

"I hope this works!"

You allowed your muscles to relax. The tabby let out a mrow of satisfaction before sinking his teeth into the back of your neck.

You gave no time for him to bite down and twisted around, tearing your scruff out of his jaws and raking his belly with your claws.

You tore out fur and made gashes and the tabby thought of a better choice, turning tail and running out of the camp.

You panted heavily, enjoying every breath before leaping off to help one of your clanmates.



"That good for nothing traitor! I cant believe he was fake all this time! Fireheart and Graystripe knew too! They.... They didnt trust me enough to tell me then? I.... I must be a bad friend."

You sat by the nettle patch, wounds stinging and guilt flooding you.

"I even saw Tigerclaw talking with strange cats, I'm such a mouse-brain for not telling anyone!"

"Y/n, come over here so I can check your wounds." Cinderpaw gently demanded.

You gloomily slink over to her, sitting infront of her as she began to check your wounds. You got lost in your thoughts again.

"Anything still hurt?" Cinderpaw asked.

"Nothing physically." You mumbled.

"Huh?" She asked in surprise.

You jumped slightly.

"Oh, sorry, you werent supposed to hear that, yes nothing hurts, thanks a lot Cinderpaw!" You stood and trotted away, you didnt really have anywhere in particular that you needed or even wanted to be.

You decided on going into the den to try and rest a bit. You entered and saw Fireheart in his nest, it appeared that he was getting ready to rest as well.

You hadn't spoken to him in moons, not even after it was reveiled that Graystripe had chosen a mate in Riverclan. You knew you shouldve spoken to them about it but you were to afraid of what you would learn.

You shook your head before nervously walking up to his nest, he had already laid down and his emerald eyes had shut.

Your confidence immediatly drained and you backed away.

"He seems tired now, I'll talk with him tomorrow"

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