2- Warrior

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This is short but I hope it's still enjoyable at the least!

"Oh y/a/n! Have you met Firepaw yet?" Graypaw cheerily meowed, leaping over to you.

You looked up from your mouse and watched as the bright tom followed a bit slower after your grey-pelted friend. You ran your tounge over your jaws and shook your head.

"No, but I do now" you said jokingly, sitting up and grinning towards Firepaw, "Hello Firepaw, how are you finding the clan?"

"O-Oh it's fine- er- great! Although I haven't really gotten to know anyone yet." He replied nervously.

After the introductions you went off to train with your mentors, well for Firepaw with Lionheart and Tigerclaw.


"By the power of Starclan I give you your warrior name, Y/a/n, from this moment on you will be known as Y/n." Bluestar finished, resting her muzzle on your head as the clan chanted your new name.

Bluestar removed her muzzle and stared down at you approvingly. You turned to face your clanmates as they came forward to congratulate you.

Last came Graypaw, Firepaw, and a slower, more shy, Ravenpaw.

"Wow! I cant believe your a warrior now!" Graypaw happily said.

"Yea! Congratulations, Y/n!" Firepaw added.

"Thanks! Now I have to go sit vigil, so I'll see you guys later then?" You asked as you began walking away.

"Yep! We get a nice nights rest now!" Graypaw howled.

"See you tomorrow." Ravenpaw added quietly.

You sat at the enterance of the camp and looked up at the stars as the cold of night began to seep in.

The strange feeling in the pit of your stomach returned, a familiar sense of foreboding like before Firepaw came to the clan.

You shifted uncomfortably and looked at Silverpelt.

'Oh ancestors? What could possibly happen now?'

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