The Halls

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"In and out" Jeremy told his team. They gave him a nod and they entered the elevator, Bruce pressed the button marked maintenance tunnel and they started the decent. "Safety off, suppressor's on"

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, the light from it shined into the dark tunnel ahead until you could see a split in the path. The Team of five got out of the elevator and positioned themselves to watch the front ready to fire. There was a stench of blood, Kody got on a knee and pulled is pack from his back. He unzipped it and pulled out a little metal ball, he placed it on the ground and put his pack back on. He fiddled with a screen on his wrist and the ball lit up. Red lights started blinking then blue it started to roll forward and then disappeared down the left corner.

"Lights on and move down right path, Felix take lead" Jeremy ordered.

"Yes, Sir" Felix said, taking lead down the corridor. The team turned the corner and continued down the path, the stench got stronger and stronger until they found the source. There was a pile of dead body's with huge bite marks all over there body's.

"Hello?" a voice said in the distance.

"We should turn back, Jeremy this isn't worth it" Bruce said.

"We have to or we will go home with nothing" Jeremy said. "If you wish to go back up, go ahead" Jeremy finally said. "We don't need this many troops anyways"

Tod walked back to the elevator and the remaining four souls heard the elevator depart. The rest of the squad continued deeper into the hallways and heard occasional growls, But that did not stop them. They got to a door that said maintenance room with a keypad door.

"Can you open it Kody?" Jeremy said looking down the corridor they just came from.

" This is child's play, just watch my back and I'll get it open" Kody said with a chuckle. He looked down at his wrist and pressed something, his wrist shined red and then he started. Jeremy, Bruce and Felix were waiting for Kody to finish but we're prepared for anything. It was quiet, the only thing they could hear was Kody getting the door open. There was a rolling noise coming towards them very fast. They got there guns ready until they saw a faint green light coming towards them it was C14P coming back to give data about the other way.

He rolled past us and went to Kody who stopped what he was doing and put him back in his pack. Then a growl was heard from down the hall, then a voice "is anyone out there" it said. Felix turned his gun down the hallway and a large, red dog-like beast was slowly walking towards them, it must have noticed the light because it started looking in the air and rushed towards the group. The three of them opened fire and then there was a huge roar.

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