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"I sense the pestilence, let me help you" said 049. Jeremy sighed and shot the Elevator controls, praying that like in the movies it would break it. He knew what was in front of him, he didn't come into a testing facility without doing some research. His team, on the other hand, knew nothing and that's why he needed to stay so he could get more evidence. 

"H-howdy there, Come here often?" Jeremy said trying to figure out what to do. he looked at the ceiling and saw a vent system but it was so high up, he doesn't know if he can do a good pull-up. While he was caught up in his thought 049 was slowly walking forward, Jeremy finally noticed but 049 had made half the distance to him. "It's rude to not answer someone while they talk to you" Jeremy said while throwing a grenade at 049. Jeremy didn't wait for it to explode he ran the opposite way and didn't stop, he counted in his head 1... 2... he stepped in a pile of gore and almost fell 3... 4... 5... *Boom*. He kept running he doubted that would stop him. Jeremy ran for what felt like hours until he found an elevator when he reached it he called for it. He felt like he was going to die, he pulled out his cantine and started to gulp down water, it tasted so good. When the elevator arrived there was a Quarter in the middle on the floor, nothing else just a quarter? Jeremy got into the elevator and leaned against the wall still trying to catch his breath.

he pressed the up button the elevator *dinged* and he was on his way to the surface. when the elevator reached the top he sighed thinking he could finally leave but of course nothing goes the way you want...

When the elevator opened there were guns pointing at him and he dropped his weapons. "You think you can cause this much damage and just walk home?" A man in body armor barked.

"That was the plan, Why" Jeremy said then laughed. The man walked up to Jeremy and hit him with a batton, Jeremy was still conscious. the man smiled and then a shock was felt on his neck. the world was black and Jeremy couldn't feel anything.

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