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"Another wasted day, this place pays well but its awful..." said a young researcher by the name of Tommy. He was a new person to the Facility, only about a week and he was still getting used to all the things in the site it was huge, ten different floors and it was a four story building. His boss Dr. Peole told him to memorize the escape routes and the way from the entrance to my office and vice versa, He told me to always take the the same way so I would never get lost and stumble onto something I would stumble across something I wouldn't want to see. Some of the older researchers have been talking about monsters but of course its just to scare the new guys. 

Or so i thought I came to the site and went to the elevator and everything was normal when i got to the elevator I pressed my floor and down went the elevator. The weird things started to happen when the elevator opened up the floor it brought me to was what they called Heavy containment... A place where if i was caught i could get fired, I pressed my floor again but nothing happened I pressed the emergency button but still nothing I was stuck.

I walked out of the elevator to try to find someone but when i got a good distance the elevator closed I went back to it and pressed the button, I stood there for what felt like an hour then decided to go and look for someone. "hello there are you lost" a voice in Tommy's head said.

"What the Fuck" Tommy said out of shock. 

"Shh... Do you want to die?" the voice said again.

"Who no What the fuck are you? am I going crazy!" Tommy said a little quieter.

"Listen i know this is fucked but if you don't listen to me you will die" Tommy didn't know how to answer. "Alright now that you are listening I need you to go straight and to the left there should be a locked door with a pin-code lock, the code is 103932" Tommy still scared started to move but it felt like his body was moving on its own. He got to the fork in the path and when he turned to the left there was a mangled body with no head. It looked like a guard, there was a pistol in the holster on his belt and Tommy grabbed it.

Tommy's body began to shake he put the gun up to his head and closed his eyes. "STOP!" the voice screamed in his head. Tommy dropped the gun and it clanked loud against the metal ground. "You idiot what are you thinking, your lucky I like you" it said. "Continue your almost there" Tommy still silent got to the lock and typed in the digits when the door opened there was a man lying face up on the ground He had a mask on and when Tommy got closer the mask started to speak. "Finally your here I need some help getting out of this joint and I think you might be the one person that can help".

Tommy's body again moved on its own and picked up the mask. "Thank you, my old vessel kinda rotted away haha... Good bye Tommy I wont forget this." After that Tommy put on the mask and the world faded away taking Tommy with it...

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