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Wake up Marinette!

Marinette slowly steered awake, seeing her little kwami, Tikki, hovering above her, shouting her name, but not too loud so her parents didn't hear.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Marinette said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Why did you wake me up? It's only-" her eyes drifted to her clock and she immediately screamed and ran down the stairs to her room. "I'm going to be late for school!" she repeated as she grabbed clothes from her dresser and changed. "Tikki, this is going to be the third time this week! I can't be late again!"

Tikki tried to think of a plan as Marinette ran around her room, grabbing her school supplies and grabbed her purse, running out of her room forgetting Tikki.

Luckily for Tikki, she can face through solid objects. Tikki went through the floor and into the kitchen Marinette was making a mess in. Marinette poured milk in a bowl and began eating a small amount of cereal before throwing it in the sink and running out of the building.

Tikki hid inside Marinette's purse as she raced to school. Marinette opened the doors to the school just as the bell rang, and eleven seconds later she was in her class, huffing and puffing as she made her way to her seat next to her best friend, Alya.

"Late again, huh? You're lucky Mrs. Bustier hasn't looked up from her desk yet," Alya whispered in Marinette's ear, just low enough so nobody heard. "Why are you always late anyway?"

Marinette just shrugged and set her bag on the side of her seat and waited for the class to start.

After class, like always, Marinette watched her lover walk out of class and into the cafeteria. She always admired his dreamy blonde hair, his shinning green eyes, and his smile that would make anyone stop what their doing to see his smile.

"Uh, hello? Earth to Marinette?"

Marinette shook her head, looking at Rose waving her hand in front of her face.

"I was wondering if you'd like this 'get well soon' card for Kim," Rose said, pointing to the card in her hand.

"Uh, sure," Marinette, still keeping an eye on Adrien. "What's wrong with Kim?"

"He broke his arm falling off his bike," Rose said as she fixed her short hair. "Juleka said she was there and she said his arm was dangling like a-"

"EW! Tmi," Alya laughed, singing the card too.

As soon as Rose walked away, Marinette went right back to staring at Adrien, making him uncomfortable.

"Girl, you gotta stop being all crazy over Adrien all the time. All you do is obsess over him, if you like him so much, why don't you ask him out?" Alya asked.

"What?! And risk completely embarrassing myself in front of him?! You know how I get when i'm around him!" Marinette nearly shouted.

"Calm down!" Alya said, looking around. "You only live once, and it's not like anyone's going to make fun of you!"

Marinette took a deep breath. "I... okay I'll try!" Marinette stood up, feeling like her legs turned to Jell-O as she walked over to Adrien's table. "Hey... Adrien..." Marinette said, giving an awkward smile.

"Oh, hey," Adrien said, not as he usually says hello to her.

"I... I was wondering if you-"

"Sorry, I'm busy today," Adrien said.

Marinette blinked, confused. She didn't even finish her sentence. "O-oh... that's okay..." she said, slowly walking backwards to her seat.

"That was quick, what did he say?" Alya asked.

Marinette didn't answer, she skipped lunch that day and barley paid attention in class.

Miraculous Yandere (Miraculous Ladybug Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now