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Marinette played with her new earrings as she sat in class, staring at Chloe's empty seat. All throughout the class Marinette stared at Adrien... soon... she'd be the only one for him. Because since she couldn't be perfect for him, being the only one was the option.

"May I use the restroom?" Marinette asked.

Marinette didn't wait for an answer, she ran out of class and to the bathroom. She ran into a stall and threw up. This has been happening all week. She thinks about loosing Tikki and how useless she is for Adrien, and overworks herself and throws up. Marinette sat down and pulled her knees up to her chest and sat there with her eyes closed.

"Wow, Marinette are you okay?" Rose asked, walking up to her. "You've been acting weird lately, are you okay?" she said.

Marinette slowly got up and took her bag off of her shoulders, she forgot she was still wearing it.

"Do you need a cold rag? You're sweating, are you okay? I can go get the nurse if you'd like-"

Marinette slashed the knife at Rose's skull. Rose's face turned to pure horror as she slowly fell to the ground and laid there with her eyes wide open. Blood spilled out of her skull and again, Marinette dragged her to a stall and hid her in there.

"No one  is getting Adrien! Nobody is taking Adrien away from me! I'm useless but I'll make sure I get him!" Marinette put her knife away and stormed back to class.

"I'll call guidance," the principle said, walking to his office. "If she returns, notify me!"

Their teacher took a deep breath and looked at the class. "If anyone  has information about Rose, please tell us! You may all go home now," and everyone did.

Marinette walked home alone that day and ran to her room and locked her door, setting her bag near the body. She took out her knife and opened her bag, disposing all of her school supplies on the floor and put the knife's blade to the body's elbow and began cutting, than the shoulder, than to mid torso, than the knees, and finally the neck. Blood was everywhere and her room smelled like... well... a dead body. Marinette took each body part and shoved it in her bag, closing it and walking downstairs, telling her parents she was going to Alya's and walked down to Master Fu's.

Master Fu wasn't there, so she left her 'present' in his place. She kicked the door down and opened her bag, dumping all the parts onto the floor where his costumers would lay to get their massage. Blood spilled all over the ground along with pieces of bone and intestines. After that, Marinette threw her bag and knife away, and walked back home.

"Long day? You look tired," Chat said.

"I'm very tired," Marinette said. "Someone went missing in our school today."

"Really who?"

"I thought you went to our school?"

"Ha. You're right, sorry, still in the act of trying to hide my identity. Rose. Do you think she's okay?" Chat asked.

No. I'll be alright once I get Adrien after everyone is dead. "I'm sure she's fine. Who would hurt someone so innocent?"

"Someone insane, that's who," Chat said. "I was out here earlier looking for her. But I couldn't find any clues, I hope they find her, she's such a sweet girl."

Thank god I killed her. "I know."

Chat looked around awkwardly. "Do you... do you have any food?"

"This is a bakery, Chat. Yeah, meet me at the front door," Marinette said, walking into her room and all the way downstairs. Marinette unlocked the door and let Chat in, and he picked out what he wanted.

"How much?" he asked.

"On the house... for you keeping my secret and saving Paris all by yourself," Marinette said.

"R-really? Thanks, Marinette," he took a bite of the cookies and cream macaroon. "Your parents are wonderful bakers."

"Thank you," Marinette said.

"Are you going to run this place?" Chat asked. "Like when you get older?"

"Maybe. I never really thought about it before. I was looking to be a fashion designer in the future," Marinette said, taking a bite of a croissant. "I mean I like baking a guess."

Chat stared out the window, and then slowly turned around. "Marinette, I need to confess."

"Hm? NO! Don't tell me who you really are!" Marinette snapped as Chat walked over to her behind the counter. "I can't know who you are-"

"I know. I know," Chat cut her off. "It's not who I am, it's more like... who you are to me."

"Chat...? I don't understand," Marinette said.

"I... I like you more than a friend!" he spat out. "I liked Ladybug, and I like you! And since you're Ladybug... m'lady..." he said, thinking about what he was going to say next. "Will you... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Chat..." Marinette was about to say something when Chat Noir's lips crashed onto hers. She always expected him to be a bad kisser, but he was actually good. Though it was just a peck, she could tell he's had some experience.

He pulled away and met her eyes. "I-I'm so sorry! I... I should've asked..."

"No. I-it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it...that's all," Marinette said awkwardly. they both stood there in silence, not knowing what to say next.

"I... I should get going, I only have two minutes left," Chat said.

"Oh... okay," Marinette said.

Right after he left, Marinette went to sleep, feeling a little hope that she wasn't so useless after all.

Miraculous Yandere (Miraculous Ladybug Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now