True Love

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              "For a second, I was in control/ I had it once, I lost it though/ And all along the fire below would rise"

              For me, this quote has great emotional significance. When I sing these lyrics, the passion in my voice is inevitable. The meaning that I attribute to this quote is very personal, yet literal.

              This quote reminds me of the development that I have gone through thus far in life. It seems that, when I was younger I had more control over certain emotions. Actually, I did not notice them at all. The specific emotions that I am alluding to are intimacy, a different kind of affection, longing, the search for a significant other, loneliness, and lust. I am not exactly sure when, but a change occurred. Suddenly, it wasn't so easy to talk to certain people. Suddenly, I cared to check the mirror before leaving the house. Suddenly, no matter how much I denied it, I was concerned about the opinions of others.

              Then, this is where a loss of control comes into play, my mind started to constantly wander. I started to obsess over the little things. Most of all, I began a quest for "love". It seemed like I had developed a recess in my heart. I constantly sought companionship. In return, I was hurt. Fate was cruel. At the same, I was quite immature.

              Now, I am not as unsteady. However, as I suppress them, the emotions (the fire) continues to rise. Wow, sometimes emotional development is so confusing. It's not easy to describe. It's difficult to convert emotional experience to words that can be understood. I hope you guys understand what I am trying to say. Of course, some ambiguity is being used as not to insult or cast a negative light.

              Emotions. Confusion and Depression. Love? Any thoughts relating to this quote? Any stories? Can you relate? In about three days, I will start a new discussion board. Thanks for reading.

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