Chapter 1

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Colby's POV
I woke up in the same disgusting room. On the same old bed. It's been 2 years now. I've been locked in this building for 2 years. The teens ward wasn't bad. I just miss the outside world. I miss seeing exciting things. I miss exploring. It was an escape from my head. The only thing to keep me sane it seems. I stared at the ceiling while I waiting for the nurses to escort us to breakfast. The big metal door screeched as it opened.

"Good morning Colby. Time for your morning check up." Nurse Terry informed me. I got up slowly. We did the same routine everyday.

8 am Wake up
8:15 - 9 am Morning check up/medication
9 - 9:30 am Breakfast
9:30 - 11:30 am Group therapy
11:30 -12 pm Lunch
12 - 1:30 pm Walk around facility/fresh air
1:30 - 3:30 pm Quiet time(patients must stay in their room)
3:30 - 5 pm School/educational session
5 - 5:30 pm Dinner
5:30 - 7:45 pm Free time in activity hall
7:45 - 7:55 pm Nightly medication
8 pm Lights out/ lock up

Nurse Terry was my favorite nurse. She had been here longer than I have. Every morning she had to bring me my medications because none of the other nurses could stand to be around me. I've seen doctors and nurses come and go. They blame me. Every person in the teens ward was afraid of me. I was brought here when I was 15 because I nearly killed my little brother for coming in my room without permission. At least that's what my mom told them when she brought me here. I don't remember anything after I yelled at him and he hit me. I have these black outs when I get angry. I can't help it. It just happens. Since I was brought here, nothing has changed about my angry problem. I've been put on antidepressants. All that did was make it hard for me to hurt myself. My mom always told me I was a danger to the human race. I guess there was a little truth in that.

I was brought out of my thoughts by screaming. "No! Please don't leave me! Momma please don't make me stay here! I won't do it again! Just take me home with you!" I heard a girl scream. I looked at Nurse Terry with confusion. "They just checked her in." She explained handing me two paper cups. One had my meds and the other had water. I took the pills. I couldn't help but wonder why she was here. My mom called the hospital and had me picked up. Why did her parents drop her off? That's got to be heart breaking.


I haven't seen the new girl all day. We usually see them around lunch time but she was different. Nobody has seen her or even heard her name. It's currently 6:30 at night. Everyday being like the last but today was weird. There was an eerie feeling. I sat in the activity hall with the other 3 teenagers in this hospital.

Sam was the oldest of all of us. He's my only friend here. The only person I talk to besides Nurse Terry. Sam's parents brought him here when he was 13. He had once told me that he suffers from several things. He has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression and substance use. His parents brought him here after they caught him shooting up in the bathroom.

Abby is 13. She suffers from multiple personality disorder. Her parents put her in here when she was 8. They couldn't take care of her. She has 3 other personalities. They come out often. Their names are Josh, Sarah and Lily. They're all completely different. Normal Abby is very shy. She doesn't usually talk to anyone. Lily is always sweet. She colors me pictures and brings me flowers. I love seeing Lily. Sarah is evil. She stabbed one of the old nurses with a spoon. Whenever Sarah shows up, the nurses have to put Abby is the straight jacket. Josh was loud and obnoxious. He always bounced off the walls. Jumping off chairs, running into people, playing in the mud. He always screams and yells. He once broke Abby's arm when he tried to jump over the couch.

Last but not least there was Julia. She is schizophrenic. She doesn't usually talk. When she does, she's complaining that her head hurts from all the voices. Her parents dropped her off on her 15th birthday because she was banging her head on the wall trying to make the voices stop.

The bell finally rang for us to go back to our rooms. This was my favorite time. I take my meds and go to sleep. Sometimes I stare out the window at the stars. I love the night time. It's the only time I have to clear my head. Unless they put me in the soft room. I just hate being locked up. I'm not even crazy. I miss my old life.

Nurse Terry came in with my meds and soon left. Locking me in the cold, dark room. I laid on my bunk. Finding myself thinking about the new girl. I don't know why she never came to the normal events. We have a strict schedule here. If we choose to step out of it, we get the electric chair. I've only had that happen twice. I stared at the blank ceiling wait for sleep to take over my body. It soon did.

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