Chapter 3

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Jacque POV

Once everyone settled down, I began to scout around. I reached up to my head and tried to fix my beanie but instead felt something hard.. Goggles. Crap jasper still had my beanie, I put the goggles on my eyes & ran back to camp and tried looking for him.

I called out "hey guys what's up."

"We landed on the wrong mountain that's what's up." clarke said.

"You serious? well what are you guys gonna do?" i asked.

"Well me & princess here are going to mount weather to get food & maybe help." Finn said.

"Ya sure that the 2 of you will be able to gather food up for 100 people." I said. Then suddenly Finn pulled jasper and Monty's back.

"We now have 4." Finn said. Then Octavia began waking to us.

"Make it 5!" Octavia said but Bellamy arguing with her.

"Make it 6 I'm goin too" I said sighing.

Time skip ~

We were all walking around following Clarke. Then the question popped up.

"How did you get arrested?"

They were all talking about how they got arrested, Finn being the spacewalker, jasper & monty for holding illegal drug of some sort, Clarke knowing private information, Octavia being born, while I was just in the front of them daydreaming.

"Aye Beanie!" Jasper said tapping my shoulder.

"Huh w-what?" i said getting out of my trance.

"We were asking how'd you get into jail dork." jasper said.

"Well loser if you must now I got into jail by dis-obeying my father." I said walking forward.

"That's it. Ooooh I dis-obeyed daddy arrest me!" Finn said sarcastically.

I turned around & glared at him " might I remind you that my father is Marcus Kane, head councilmen."

"Oh..." Finn said.

"Wait guys shh... look!" I said pointing at the animal. To me it looked so beautiful & fascinating I almost went up to walk to it but well.. Until it turned it head, we spotted a second mutated head on the side. I gasped and tripped on a branch accidentally falling into jasper.

"You okay?" jasper said helping me up.

I cover my red cheeks with Jasper's googles and looked away "yeah I'm fine thanks goggles." I said nervously laughing. Which reminded me once I got up I stole my beanie back and threw his goggles at him.

"Haha yes! I got my beanie back." I said doing my victory dance and sticking my tongue out to him.

"HEY! my heads all cold now ;w;" jasper said.

"well... I don't care." I said

"Whatever loser." jasper said shoving me softly. We shoved eachother back and forth harder each time. (That's what she said HAHA.)

"Aye love birds stop messing around we need to keep moving forward." Finn said teasingly.


Everything was peaceful, we ended up stopping at a beautiful water fall. I stood there in awe until I saw Octavia began to take off her clothes.

"I love earth." jasper said smiling like an idiot. I smack him upside the head,

"hey that's my best friend right there dork." I said

We watched as octavia jump into the water, we run to see if she's okay. Once we find out the water is shallow people began to take off there clothes, except me.

I look ahead and see a weird eel like figure swimming towards Octavia.

"OCTAVIA GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" I yell but it was to late, the monster grabbed her to the bottom of the water. We all start freaking out, i point to the boulder and start pushing it so it would get distracted. We all make it fall and the eel let go of Octavia, jasper jumps into the water and saved her. We see a huge scratch on her leg, Clarke tips off part of Jasper's shirt and wraps it around Octavia's wound. I watch as Octavia and jasper hug and hear monty say something about saving the girl first. Everything calms down and we end up all sleeping outside. I couldn't sleep so I sat up looking around seeing Octavia sleep next to Jasper. I sighed, and walked back to the waterfall and sit on the edge.

"Hey jacq."

I look behind me and saw monty, I smiled and tapped the spot next to me.

"Couldn't sleep either?" monty asked walking over.

I sigh "heh yeah well neither can't Finn & Clarke I saw them talking." I said

"Seems like jasper & Octavia could get some sleep, not to mention so what's going on between you and jasper?" monty asked

"What do you mean?" I questioned tilting my head a little.

"Well are you guys dating or something? cuz I think jasper is into octavia." monty said

"Well Octavia is like a sister to me so I wouldn't mind her dating jasper." I said shrugging. We talk a little bit longer, I yawned and we ending falling asleep.

Monty POV~

I look up staring at the stars, I feel a little weight fall on my shoulder. I go look and see Jacque sleeping. I chuckle and began carrying her back to our sleeping spot, I put her down and walk to my tree. I feel her tug on my sleeve very tightly and just ended up falling asleep next to her.

Jasper POV~

I wake up and rub my eyes, I see that Octavia is still sleeping so I get out of her grasp. I look around for monty and see him holding Jacque sleeping soundly. I scowl a little and shove them, they wake up and look at eachother and immediately get out of there grasps. There faces are as red as a tomato, I roll my eyes and walked away.

Jacque POV~

Everybody was situated and we began moving. We finally make it we just needed to cross a lake. Finn was about to go first until jasper stopped him looked at octavia.

"Of course he'd do that to impress her." I say in my head scoffing and rolling my eyes, turning my body away from him. But I did look at him swing on the vine to the other side, I look up at the trees and saw something strange. I squint up and see a man in some sort of clothing holding a spear aiming to jasper.

"JASPER LOOK OUT!" I yell out but it was to late the I watch in terror as I saw a spear go through Jasper's chest.

Jasper POV~

I convince Finn to make me go first he asked why and I looked at Octavia then at Jacque. I watch as Jacque scoffs and rolls her eyes and walk away. Not knowing what was her problem I swing on the vine falling to the other side. We were all cheering, until I got hit by a sharp object and blacked out...

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