Chapter 4

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We all start running back to camp, I just stop and stand there watching jasper. I was being pulled monty telling me we had to go.

"But what about jasper?!" I asked panicking.

"We'll worry about that later." monty said pulling me more.

We keep running until me and monty trip, we trip upon some sort of humans bones Finn tried to pick me up but I'm in a state of shock. I hear a faint yell where jasper was.

"Jasper!" I said running back. But once we all got there his body was gone.

"They took him." was all Clarke said.

I wasn't thinking I just left, I ran ignoring there calls I just was running as fast as I can back to camp. Once I reached there all I saw was Murphy fighting wells. I ran to block wells and ended up getting punched in the jaw really hard. I fell back and coughed up blood. Wells punches Murphy in the face and falls down, he helps me up and thanks me.

"Heh no problem man. But.. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" I yell making everyone flinch. Murphy stands back up and grabs his knife and Bellamy gives wells a knife to "make it fair" and takes me. I get out of grasp and glare at him.

"Bellamy what in the fuck is fucking happening here are you just gonna watch this shit?!" I asked angrily. But stop when I hear wells grunt in pain, I gasp and try to run to help him but get pulled back by Bellamy. I watch as wells took care of it,but Clarke stops him. She began telling everybody what happens, bell lets go of me and helps out Octavia. Wells asks where's jasper and Clarke tells him grounders took him. She then takes wells arm and asks about the wristband, knowing Bellamy he would be giving a huge bold speech which will influence everyone. I gave Clarke a look then nodded.

"We are gonna get you jasper."

I was watching Clarke pack when wells climbs up and asks to come. Of course she says no because of what she accused of him, but I knew the truth.

I touched his shoulder giving a reassuring smile "don't worry wells i'll keep an eye on her." he gave a smile and then hugged me.

"Sorry to interrupt but jacq you can't go you have to stay here." Clarke said

"What?! why?!" I asked

"You have a huge bruise on you jaw and when you fell you had a lot of scratches. those need to get treated." Clarke said

"But-" I began

"Look I know he's your boyfriend but your injuries will cost you if you don't treat it." She said

I puff my cheeks "fine but he isn't my boyfriend he's into octavia." I mumble. I go out and try to look for Octavia.

"Hey you okay man?" I ask

"O-ow! yeah I'm fine but what about you?" Octavia asks pointing at my face.

"Heh is it that bad? well I'm fine it's just a punch I've dealt with worse." I said.

"Here let me check it." Bellamy said reaching his hand out. I slap it away and grunt.

"Pfft cuz of you and your doggy Murphy he punched me in the face." I said

"Well you sorta just stepped in there.. actually." He said

"Oh shut up I was protecting my friend wells." I yell.

"What? the chancellor's son?" he said laughing.

"You know what bellamy you're acting like a huge jerk right now." I said walking back to the drop ship.

"What is daddy's little girl having a tantrum." Murphy asked tauntingly.

And that just ticked me off.

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