Chapter 5

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I was sitting on the other side of Clarke wiping off jasper. He was in terrible shape right now moaning in pain, and the people downstairs weren't any help either. I was fine ignoring them but some kid just had to say "just kill him." That just pissed me off and I got up went to the opening of the ship.
"Hey guys guess what? SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled down there. I walked back to jasper combing his hair with my hand telling him to ignore them.
"Uhm wow you okay?" Clarke asked.
"Yeah just a little headache. As if this situation was bad enough, now there complaining? bullshit" I said
"Heh well then I can make sure he's protected I'm going to get more water protect him." Clarke said climbing down.
"Ya mind if I come?" I said.
"Sure.". She said and we both walked out of the dropship. Once we got out we heard a little girl keep screaming 'NO' I run to see what happened, I look and see a little girl sleeping and screaming in her sleep.
I shake her abit "hey hey hey it's okay your Charlotte right?" I said
"Yes who are you?" she asked.
"I'm jacq and this is Clarke." I said smiling a bit.
"Isn't jack a boy name?" she asked giggling.
"Well it's short for jacque." I explained.
She popped an 'oh' and giggled abit.
"Are you okay do you want to talk about it?" Clarke asked. Once she said that char stopped giggling and began to tear up.
"It's... my parents, they were floated a-and I see them in my dreams and I just-"
"Yeah I understand my dad was floated too." Clarke said.
"And my mother also.. So how'd you get here?" I said.
"Well they were taking my parents things to the re-distribution center, and I just.. sorta lost it. they said I assaulted a guard." She said.
"I can't say I blame you." Clarke whispered
"I've assaulted a guard also, not just one but 3. But you see that big star up there? that's the ark, and you know all
The things that happened there, the pain and agony. i think we can move on, now that since were on the ground maybe this is a sign that this is our second chance. our new life,a new spark. " I said patting her back.
"Do you really believe that?" she asked I looked at Clarke and we both nodded.
The next day~
I was standing next to Bellamy, we were having aim practice. Murphy tried hitting the tree bark but missed.
"It's that damn kid he's messing me up." Murphy said picking up his knife.
"HEY. you leave jasper out of this he's in pain, and maybe you just suck at it." I said throwing my hatchet and hitting the tree bark perfectly.
"He's not gonna last much longer, there's not gonna be any more new excuses." bellamy said throwing his axe.
I punched him "hey leave him alone, he's going to survive.. I know it."
Atom walks up to us saying something about not finding Trina or pascal. Being the jack ass Murphy asks him about his special tree. me stubborn me I trip Murphy, he falls down to the ground as I begin chuckling. But he just keeps teasing poor atom. I look and see Octavia standing there staring at atom. He walks over to Bellamy saying that we're all scared and jasper isn't helping.
"Again with jasper! god dammit guys he's in pain how would you react of you attacked by a grounder?! HM? yeah you'd be in the same condition as him so yaa shut the fuck up!" I said throwing my hatchet really hard at the tree.
"Aw someone has a little crush on goggle boy?" Murphy said laughing.
"So what if I do? at least he's cute and not looking like a donkey high on drugs." I said referring him.
He was about to lunge at me until Bellamy held him back.
"We're going to try to find them when we're hunting okay?"
I walk away and meet up with Clarke in the dropship.
"How's jasper?" I ask looking at him.
"He's alive but I need you to do something for me," clarke whispered.
"Uhm sure what is it?" I asked tilting my head to the side.
"I need you to sit on his arm and talk to him," clarke said heating up a knife by the fire. I knew I wasn't going to like this so I did what I was told I sit on top of his right arm my legs to side of his arm and caress his cheek.
"It's going to be okay Jasper just stay calm and I'll talk to you mkay?" I say as I watched him nod slowly. I watch as clarke places the hot knife on the infected place on jasper's body, he begins to cry and scream. I watch on terror of how much pain he's in right now so I wipe away the tears from his eyes and whisper sweet calming things to him.
"Shh Jasper it's okay it's almost over please calm down." I say tears brimming from my eyes as I kiss him on cheeks lightly.
"Your killing him!" octavia says, I stop kissing his cheeks and look away. Bellamy walks in saying he won't make and that he's a goner. All of this talk is making me shed a few tears I wipe them away.
"Look bellamy im sorry Jasper is bothering you but this isn't the ark, down here every life matters." Clarke said. Everyone goes silent, until I couldn't hold it any longer I let out a small cry.
"Octavia, Jacque I've watched my mom heal people my whole life If I  say there's still hope then there is hope." Clarke reassures
"Down here it isn't about hope it's about guts, you don't have the guts to kill him but unfortunately I do he's been like this for 3 days. If he isn't okay by tomorrow I'll kill him my self," bellamy says calling us over to leave.
"I'm staying here," octavia and I say in unison. After a while, we stabled his condition and stepped out for fresh air. I walk over to clarke, she's sitting down looking at the stuff we got from his wound.
"Please tell me Jasper is going to be fine." I beg clarke
"He's okay now but without a medication he won't survive. I've been observing his wounds and it's seems there is an antidote." Clarke said.
Her and wells began talking about he found thing that might work. We all agreed we'd go and get it.
Time skip-kun~
Wells said there always something like seaweed that was red near a lake. As finn, clarke, and wells were ahead of me. I began thinking,
"jasper jordan.. you sir fucked up this time, and all of this to impress a girl?! pathetic." I begin walking to a different direction of them and heading back to camp. I then hear bird squaks and a random yellow fog coming towards me, I begin to run, As this was happening I fall into some sort or tunnel, I roll to the bottom fixing my self up I look and see some sort of small room. I get up and begin to look around, until I heard some noises from the tunnel, there I see a man tall and lean, although has no hair but tattoos all over. the thing that bothered me the most was that he looked dangerous. I was about to lunge at him but he moved aside to where I fell into the tunnel I try to escape but he grabs onto my leg and hits me in the head. Everything else becomes a blur, eventually I black out.
Dream ~
I was in a white room, I get up and look around till I go to the door. i peek through the window and what I saw was a person being forcibly brought somewhere by these 2 people in some sort of white precaution suit. I start to freak out and bang on the window yelling at these people to let me go.
Dream end~
I slowly wake up, and I see a cup being given to me by the grounder. I slowly take it, smell it if he poisoned it eventually smelling nothing I take a sip.
"why are you helping me?" I asked after finishing the cup. He just looks at me, and continues sharpening his spear.
"Can I at least know your name." I say as I got closer.
"My name is Lincoln." he said not looking at me.
"Well Lincoln I owe you my life. may i leave?" I ask. He gives me a small nod, I continue to go through the tunnel but before that I run up and hug him from behind whispering a quiet thank you. I get out of the tunnel and rush back to camp. It was in the middle of the night so I had to be quiet or else someone would hear me and hurt me. I reach to camp but I see thats it's barricaded, I look around for a way to get in, I see a tree branch heave enough to hold my weight hanging out inside the camp. I being to climb up the tree, I move along to the side of the branch and jump into camp. It was still night time so everybody must've been asleep but one thing I noticed was that the camp site was empty. I began walking towards the dropship to find everyone in here. I step over people trying to reach the ladder to reach the room Jasper was in. Once I got up I saw octavia & monty up there.

"Uh hey guys," I say awkwardly waving to them.

"Dude where were you? Were you out in the fog!?" Monty asked approaching me checking if I had any injuries.

"Nah I managed to find shelter, and im fine monty just a few scratches that's all," I say hugging Monty. We stay like that until murphy gets up and begins walking to the top of the dropship. We rush up the ladder and monty tells octavia Murphy is trying to kill jasper. I kick murphys hand off the ladder steps and sit on the door attempting to get it locked.

"THE LOCK IS ON THE OTHER SIDE," I say while Murphy is trying to get the hatch open. Once they find a thing to lock the hatchet door, we sighed in relief. Now all we had to do is wait for clarke and the others to come back .


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