Chapter Twenty-One

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chapter twenty one:
Puppy love

A lot has happened ever since Emiko had learnt she loved her husband, she of course leant on him some more.

Showed him her affections, although Kyoya accepted her affections, he had even some what returned them.

Showering her with gifts, such as jewels, dresses, roses.

The dark haired male would be lying if he had said he hated the attention he was receiving, in fact he was bathing in it.

He absolutely loves how she hugged his arm whenever they go out, loved the way she always rested her head against his shoulder when they sat next to each other, loved the way she would kiss his cheek whenever she said 'thank you.' For each gift he had given her.

Kyoya couldn't deny it, the spark that seemed to always be there whenever he was around Emiko was now a fire.

A burning wild fire, he didn't know what caused this— maybe it was when Emiko had begged for him to stay by her side. Yeah maybe that was it, maybe that what was going on with him.


"Arabian Queen?" Emiko questioned as she stared at the out fit that was laid before her.

"Why of course! You are in fact the 'only' girl in the host club that the guests know about!! So you might as well be the queen!" Tamaki chirped imaginary sparkles around him as he was in his king out fit.

"Oh alright," Emiko nodded then went to change into her Arabian queen out fit.

Haruhi was already changed, so Emiko was in the changing room alone as she tried to figure out where to tie her sash.

"Curse this outfit," She whined while fixing the skirt, them finally finished her out fit off with putting on fake golden jewels on.

Once she was done she walked out, catching the eye of a certain Lolita.

"Woah! Emi~Chan you look so cute!" Hani awed, unaware of a fake haired male glowering at him.

"Hehe thanks Hani~senpai!" Emiko thanked, a blush on her cheeks as she turned to get in her place.

As she went to get in her place beside Kyoya like always she tended when she felt a hand on her bare lower back, turning her head to the side she smiled lightly seeing it was her husband.

"Why hello to you too," She greeted playfully.

"You actually look like a queen," Was his blunt response.

That compliment made Emiko's cheeks flare up with a blush. Kyoya led her to their spots and as they both stood there Kyoya's hand didn't move from her bare skin.

Emiko shivered a bit feeling her love trail his fingers up and down her spine, of course she didn't mind this was one of the rare moments that Kyoya even bothered to touch her without her having to give him affection first.

"Emiko you're suppose to be by Tamaki—"

"—after all you are the queen."

The twins said finishing each other sentences, Emiko nodded with a frown she did love her best friend although she much rather bathe in her husbands caresses.

As everyone got in their places, they waited a few moments awaiting for the guests then finally the door opened—

"Welcome to the Ouran host club," The entire club had greeted but only to see An elementary schooler.

"Oh it's just a kid," Hikaru said blandly.

"No only that's, it's just a boy." Kaoru added with a mirroring frown.

The boy had tripped over his feet and had been sitting on his bum in shock as he stared into the club.

"What's wrong little boy did you come to our kingdom in search of something?" Tamaki asked with a tilt of his head, Emiko sitting by his side.

"A-Are you the king of this place?" The kid looked over at Emiko his eyes widening at the beautiful older female. "A-And the Queen?" He finished still stuttering as a blush went to his face when his orbs connected with the 'Queen's.'

"Ah..." Tamaki sighed contently pleased that this child addressed him at the king.

"Well are you?"

"Come closer dear child," Tamaki motioned with his fingers as he stared down at the boy.

"What was it you just called me little one?"

"The king."

Cue Tamaki squealing in happiness, saying yes he was in fact the king of the host club.

"And you're the queen?" The kid asked looking over at the other blonde hoping that she wouldn't have the same reaction as Tamaki.

Smiling softly Emiko nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, little one." Emiko greeted, getting into her role as the Arabian Queen,

"I'm an elementary 5th year! My Name is Shiro Takaoji!" The boy stated then pointed at Tamaki, "I want the host club king to take me on as his apprentice!" Shiro demanded while staring directly at Tamaki.

The rest of the host club blinked in confusion at the boys demand.


Emiko wore her regular maid out fit, serving the guests as best she could.

Honestly the day was going well, everything was normal. Well besides the fact that Shiro was staring directly at Tamaki who was hosting a guest.

It was quite amusing watching Shiro stare at Tamaki, drinking in all the information greedily of how Tamaki was making the young girl swoon.

The brown orbed girl found Shiro adorable, although she didn't know why Shiro wanted to be a host— or well please ladies.

She was sure that if Shiro even tried he could get any elementary school girl that he wanted, after all he was such an adorable child.


Emiko flinched at the loud noise then turned watching as one of the guests left the host club with tears in her eyes.

Tuning around Emiko sighed, looks like Shiro was causing trouble.

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