This is me (Part 1)

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"I won't ever forgive you! Never you bitch! How could you?!" The words I heard my aunt yell at my broken down, uncontrollably sobbing mother as the men took me and my older brother away.

Then, I didn't really understand what was going on, or if I would ever see my mom again since I was too young to understand.
I'd estimate my age was 4 and my brother age 5.
"T-tae what's g-going on?" Akeno said with a terrified expression on his face as we sat in the black van.
I was about as scared as him and I dearly wanted to know what was going on but I couldn't even work up the slightest bit of courage to talk to the men driving the van.
"S-sir where a-are we goin?" Akeno said slightly inaudibly but one of the men seemed to hear him.
"Oh don't worry boy, your heading to a foster home! And please do try your best to forget about your mother" the man said so casually it scared me.
How could he say something so casually as if it were nothing?
I began to cry silently.

The men dropped Akeno of at some random place before dropping me off somewhere else.
It was a fancy looking modern 2 floor house.
I can't lie, my mood was slightly lifted due to all the odd/cool images and decorations this person had hanging around their house.
We eventually reached a living room with white and teal stripped couches and a large darker shade of teal carpet in the center with a glass miniature table on it.
Sitting on a teal couch was a tall lady with blonde hair and blue eyes.
She had a tan skin color and had large golden hoop earnings.
She was wearing a white dress with a laced tied around her waist tight enough to show her curves.
Besides her beauty and fancy clothing style I estimate her age is around 34-39.
The second she saw me enter the living room with the men her face lit up before turning into a warm smile as she stood up and walked over to us.
Her smile was so warm it caused me to lift my mood even more but it also made me a bit more uncomfortable because there was something... Off with her smile.
I couldn't quite place my finger on it.
"Here is Taeko Akiyama miss Danieru" one of the men said before lightly pushing me towards her.
"Hello Taeko! My name is Danieru but feel free to call me whatever nickname you please! I'm very sorry that social services had to take you away from you mother but now I'm here. I hope that I can be the best foster mom possible!" she said lively and cheerfully with complete kindness as she bent over and held out her hand for me to shake.
I took it and shook it before letting go.
Despite her words... She was anything but a mother.

"Pack your stuff now!" she yelled as I tried my best to get the small amount of clothes I had into a book bag.
It's been 2 days since we met and she hasn't been as kind as she was that day but she hasn't done anything brutal...
I closed the luggage and dragged it outside to her car.
I sat in and watched her quickly run into the car and drive off.
I wasn't sure where we were going but I don't think It was good.
After a bit of driving we arrived at an odd entrance...
Danieru walked in front of me and before we were able to enter she stopped, causing me to bump into her legs (4 year old shorty self).
"sorry" I said quietly before backing away and looking up at her, only to see her looking down at me as well.
My heart stopped the second I saw her face... No her eyes.
She had ghoul eyes.
She was a ghoul?!?!?
Is this when I die?
My thoughts and fear was then interrupted by her laughing.
"oh don't worry! I'm not gonna eat you! Nope! You're more special then just a dinner. You're my little human girl. Like a pet but better! I get to dress you up and take you wherever I want" she then bent down and stared into my eyes before continuing on. "And do whatever I want with you" with a smirk as she stood back up and continued on going back inside.
I was speechless.
What was going to happen to me?
I gulped and hesitantly continued following her.
The inside was old and dimly lit. It had an odd stench that slightly made me want to vomit but I held it in.
I passed by cages and some seemed to have kids. Some looked my age and others looked older.
I turned away, afraid to see more.
She eventually led me to one cage.
She entered with me before closing the door behind her.
She pulled out an old chair in front of her before patting it,  motioning for me to sit on it.
I stared for a few seconds before getting startled by her words.
"Sit now!" she shouted loosing her smile for a few seconds but then regaining it when I sat down. She grabbed a brush a began to brush through my pastel blue hair that reached my hips (a little past).
"You have very beautiful hair!" she exclaimed as she began doing a hairstyle with 2 braids.
"T-thanks" I quietly mumbled.
She then suddenly stopped brushing my hair which confused me.
She turned me around, facing her and then slapped me extremely hard. As if she wasn't holding back throwing my head to the side.
"A lady doesn't say 'thanks' a lady says Thank you with a smile and compliments the person back!" she exclaimed.
I held my now bruised and burning cheek before saying "I am very sorry."
She smiled lightly "now let's try again. You're very beautiful Taeko. "
"Thank you Miss Danieru,  you're prettier then me by a long run" I said weakly smiling up at her.
Her smile then brightened as she sat back down and continued on doing my hair in 2 braids with flowers in them. 
After she did my hair she turned me around and stared at me for a few seconds with a makeup bag in her lap.
"Oh you're such a doll Taeko! You don't even need makeup! Maybe just a little blush" she said as she patted it onto my cheeks.
She then proceeded to strip me before dressing me with a white silk tight shirt the squeezed my 4 year old waist then put on a white silk skirt the flowed to knee length.
To top it all off she added black shiny slippers with white stockings.
She began adding more flowers to my braids then finally finishing.
She stood in front of me, staring at me with a proud and captivated expression before smiling.
"Okay Taeko it's time to head over to the arena so you can see what the other pets jobs are! But remember you're my special little pet.
Your job is going to be different, and you're not going To be doing anything for those other obnoxious ghouls! You're going to do what I say!" she said quite clearly as if she were trying to get her statement through my 4 year old head.
I nodded in response before following her to an arena area.
We were sitting in the seats and I watched as a little girl that seemed a bit older then me brutally killed a human with a bag on his head. She then bowed afterwards and threw kisses to the roaring crowd.
I stood there in shock as I was traumatized by what I had witnessed but I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I wasn't going to have to do that.
But then... What am I gonna do?
Danieru dragged me back to the cage and stripped me as she then dressed me with a white old t-shirt with black shorts.
She then proceeded to tie me down onto a table and left.

I lie there helplessly thinking... What's gonna happen to me?
A few minutes later Danieru returned with a table filled with...
I then froze in shock and fear as she made her way over to me before stopping and smiling.

"Chose one" she said rather calmly then usual.
I was still frozen as I stared at the instruments she had on her table.
There was an extremely large, sharp knife and a scalpel about the same or more sharp.
There was also a bunch of needles and a hacksaw.
I stayed silent as I stared at the table.
"chose one NOW!" Danieru shouted a lot more louder then usual. I flinched and accidentally said out of instinct "The big knife!"
She smiled as she picked it up and went over to me.
My 4 year old self could barely handle small needles, let alone a huge knife.
She eventually reached me and slowly placed the knife onto my arm before adding more force as the second passed before finally making a huge slice on my arm.
I recoiled and squealed in pain, trying my hardest to keep my tears and screams hidden away but I simply just couldn't.
I felt tears rolling down my cheek as I closed my eyes, wanting this all to just go away.
I felt the blood of dripping off of my arm, like a tear does.
It was extremely uncomfortable and that was probably the part I hated the most.
Danieru began to laugh before continuing on....

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