Hide and Seek (Part 4)

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We sat there with our noses a few centimeters apart smiling.
I didn't really feel odd in any way. I mean, why should I?

I then watched as Juuzou lifted his hand up and made his way to my...cheek?
My smile slightly faded into a confused but entranced stare.
He brushed my bangs away revealing my scar that was on my cheek.
He then stopped for one second as he examined it before lightly stroking it with his thumb.
I felt shivers go down my spine, not knowing what to do.
After a few seconds of silence he then made his Ruby orbs stare straight into my Raven ones.
"I like your scar" he said with a smile.
I was a little relieved he didn't ask about it like people always do, instead he complimented it.
Without thinking I stood up, desperate to break up this moment.
I've never been in this kind of situation, what the hell am I supposed to do?
It was odd, I felt my heart race like it does when I killed humans for Danieru except, I wasn't killing a human.
Then I felt my cheeks lightly heating up.
What the hell is going on?
"Are we gonna play hide and seek or not?" I said trying my best to play off what happened as I smiled down at him.
"Okay! I'm the seeker!" Juuzou said.
"Wait, but there's one thing about this hide and seek" I said with a smirk as I made my way to the light switch.
"Boom!" I said as I switched off the light.
"Start counting~!" I giggled as I made my way around the house turning off the lights.
It was muffled but I was able to hear Juuzou giggling as well.
How adorable.
I made my way behind the door of the room he was counting in.
You might be thinking he's gonna find me easily but I got a strategy.
I usually follow the seeker around.
"20!" Juuzou shouted before skipping out of the room.
I quietly and sneakily followed after him.
He was searching in all the rooms before reaching the living room.
He stopped as if her we're attempting to examine the couches in the dark as I stood behind him with my back against the wall.
Just then out of nowhere he turned around and lunged himself at me, holding me down on the wall with our faces once again a few inches apart.
"Gotcha" he said slyly and even through the darkness I was able to see him smirking.
"Aw dang it, and I thought I was doing good!" I said crossing my arms.
Just then Juuzou leaned in even more, allowing our noses to touch before saying "Your turn~"
He backed away and ran off as I stood there with a dumbfounded but at the same time excited expression.
I shook off the emotions that were hitting me as I began to count to 20.

I was searching around the house, looking through everything before stopping.
Is Juuzou using the same strategy as me? I giggled before continuing on.
That would explain all the small noises I had been hearing behind me.
I began skipping around pretending to be clueless.
I then decided it was best to just end the game now, so quicker then ever I tackled the figure behind me.
Yep, it was Juuzou.
"Haha! Gotcha!" I said as I was on top of him on the ground.
As I stared down at him I felt my long hair slide to the side and fall over my shoulder, next to Juuzou's head.
"Looks like you got me" Juuzou said.
I felt a sensation of warmth come over my body, as if I wanted to stay like that forever but I knew I couldn't.
I began to attempt to sit up but I was stopped by a feeling of hands wrapping around my waist.
I looked down at him with a confused expression.
"Can we stay like this...for a bit more?" Juuzou said less cheerful and more sincere then usual.
I wasn't sure how to respond but I wasn't going to fight it.
Maybe he wanted to stay like this as well.
I then felt one of his arms on my waist become lose before rising to my face.
He began to softly push my pastel bangs to the side before continuing on stroking my cheek with his thumb.
I felt a throbbing sensation going on as my cheeks began to heat up again.
What the hell is going on? Shit, I don't know what to do!
Out of confusion and a bit of fear I pulled away and sat up on him, still staring down at him.
I quickly stood up and walked away to my room before closing the door.
I leaned against the door sighing before throwing myself on the floor.
What the fuck just happened?
Just by bringing up what happened up in my mind made me feel like exploding.
I tried my best to shrug off what just happened as I lie there on the floor.
I can't believe I just left like that!
I turned on the light of my room and went to my luggage of things.
I pulled out my sketchbook and began sketching away.
I ended up drawing Danieru with one of her knives.
That one was one of her favorites.
She said it was like drawing on me when she used it.
I would often stare at the "drawings" she did on me.
I had an odd urge to attempt to recreate what she drew on me but in my own way.
I stared down at my arm and pulled up my sleeve, revealing the purple and black fingerless gloves I always wear.
I grabbed ahold of the middle finger and slid off the glove, revealing tons of cuts and scars.
I looked closer at my arm and saw a few drawings she did.
She drew a broken in half heart.
I liked how it looked so I recreated it in my sketchbook but I added more detail.
I felt more calm then usual. I usually rarely ever get sleep, and when I do it's never been more then 4 hours.
I felt my eyes becoming heard before eventually closing.
Tomorrow's my day off and Juuzou as well, I wonder what we're gonna do.


I awoke to the feeling of something soft grabbing my arm.
I opened my eyes to see Juuzou holding my arm without the fingerless glove close to his face in a sort of examining matter.
I realised, he wasn't wearing his usual red pins causing his bangs to softly fall over his face.
They didn't completely cover his eyes but still kept most of it covered.
He snapped his head up at me the second he realised I was awake before dropping my arm and giving me a smile.
I sat up and stared at him questionably.
"Morning sleepyhead! I was wondering if ya wanted to head to the zoo with me" he said still smiling.
I let out a yawn and looked up at the clock on the wall.
8:00am?! Holy shit I slept for more then 6 hours!
My eyes widened at this thought before responding with "Mkay let's go!"
I grabbed my glove and slid it back on before pulling my sleeve back down.
I then proceeded to stand up and walk to the kitchen with Juuzou following behind me.
I looked around and eventually decided I would simply get some cereal since it's the easiest thing to make.
Juuzou made himself pancakes then sat down next to me and began to eat.
We sat and ate in a peaceful silence, one that I can withstand.


Before we entered the zoo I felt Juuzou grab my arm and and speed off into the zoo.
I was startled at first but I then giggled and went with it.
He ended up taking me to one specific area. The giraffes?
He then let go and sat down on the ground, I too sat down next to him.
I then watched as he pulled out a sketchbook and a few crayons out then flip to an empty page and began to sketch the giraffes.
I watched in silence as Juuzou adorably sketched the giraffe before adding patterns and random designs to the drawing.

Even though the designs and patterns were out of place it still seemed to add life to the painting.
Juuzou finally finished and closed his sketchbook swiftly before turning his attention to me.
I gave him a smile before saying "That drawing was really adorable~!" To then receive a smile in return.
"Thanks" he said but he didn't seem to exclaim it as loud as usual.
I then noticed his snow white cheeks began turning a tint of red.
He's...blushing? Why is he blushing?
I shrugged off the thought and turned my attention back to the giraffes.
It seems Juuzou did the same as we sat in silence, admiring the giraffes.


The pale good boy (Juuzou suzuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now