are you mines? (Part 9)

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Taeko's P.O.V. (YOUR P.O.V.

Shinohara came back to us a few minutes later and explained how that meeting was an "emergency meeting" and not the actual meeting for the day.
I was slightly relieved before making my way to our squad's meeting room with Juuzou and Shinohara.
We actually seemed to arrive early considering there was only 2 other people in the room.
A woman with short blonde hair and a braid that went around her head like a crown.
She had pale blue eyes and a skin tone close to mines.
The second person in the room was a male with short brown hair, long parted bangs and brown eyes.
The second me and Juuzou entered side-by-side and Shinohara behind us their eyes went on us.
The blonde's eyes seemed to hit Juuzou and Shinohara first before landing on me, and the brunette male as well.
"Looks like we got someone new. Greetings, my name's Akira Mado" blonde said as she stood up from her seat and walked over to me to shake my hand.
I felt slightly irritated at the fact that when she reached me she basically hovered over me like a giant as she shook my hand.
She seemed to take note of my appearance and height since she held a slight look of confusion but didn't question anything.
"Nice to meet you. The name's Taeko Akiyama" I said trying to hide my feeling of irritation behind a warm smile.
Akira then let go and walked back to her seat.
I took a seat next to the brunette male since Juuzou stole the seat next to Akira.
(Oof >:0)
For some odd reason I could see the brunette male staring directly at me out of the corner of my eye, making me slightly uncomfortable.
I decided to not let this uncomfortableness go on any longer as I turned around and stared him straight in the eye before turning my plain expressionless face into a warm smile as I introduced myself.
"Hey there, my name's Taeko Akiyama. I hope that we'll be able to get along" I ended it with a smile as I offered my hand out for him to shake.
He hesitantly took it before introducing himself
"Nice to meet you, Name's Seidou Takizawa." He showed a bit of hesitance and shyness in his introduction but I didn't think of it too oddly, people can be shy.
I broke the handshake and sat straight as I rested my head on my palm, getting lost in my thoughts.
After a few minutes more people entered the room before eventually getting full.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand being placed on my shoulder.
I looked up and made eye contact with an extremely tall man.
He had black hair and teal eyes and weird looking eyebrows that curved at the end.
He seemed quite young but at the same time years older then me.
His very serious expression turned into a straight smile as he introduced himself.
"Hello Taeko Akiyama, it's nice to meet you. My name is Koutarou Amon. I've already been given your information and it's quite a pleasure to meet you" he said to then receive a smile from me in return before taking a seat at the end of the table.

Koutarou Amon? I've heard that wacko investigator Kureo Mado mention him. He must be one heck of an investigator for mado to speak about him.
My attention went to nothing as I rested my head in my palm once again in boredom as Akira went on and on about whatever with Amon.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Juuzou yawning.
I stared straight at him before smiling and trying to get lost in my thoughts again.
I felt a small feeling of uncomfortableness once again before realising Takizawa was still staring at me.
I tried my best to ignore it.

Juuzou's P.O.V.

It was angering me slightly how Seidou was acting around Taeko.
He would stare at her for long periods of times, it was so odd it made me want to set him straight.
Taeko is mines, only I get to stare at her for a long time.
Seidou already usually angered me for small things but this was different.
It was like I actually wanted to hurt Seidou.

Taeko's P.O.V. (YOUR P.O.V.)

The boring-ass speech finally ended and I stood up yawning as I stretched.
I managed to ignore Seidou-san's staring but at certain moments I would loose my train of thought.

The pale good boy (Juuzou suzuya x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora