The New Maid

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"Yoongi!" the head maid yelled. Yoongi quickly picked up his broom and ran down the hall to where he heard her yelling for him. When he reached the maids quarters she instructed him that the young master had called for him. Not wanting to upset his boss on the first day he scrambled to look presentable and hurried to the other side of the giant house to his master's room. Yoongi had just gotten this job working as a new maid because his mother had harassed him to get a job stating that," lazing about the house and cuddling with the dog" isn't working for her anymore. So here he was, working for the first time in his 25 years of his life.

So he hurried to his Young Master's room but before he could make it he ran straight into another body."Hey watch where you're going," a deep voice boomed into Yoongi's ear. Yoongi opened his eyes to find himself lying flat on top of another man. He felt his cheeks start to heat up and tried to get up but a strong pair of arms held him down. The man chuckled in his ear," what's the hurry? I kind of like this position." Yoongi knew for sure that his face was totally red by now and protested until the man let go of him. When they both stood up Yoongi realizes just how attractive the other was. He was tall, at least 5'11, dark brown hair, and to top it all off he had a cute dimpled smile.

The said man noticed the smaller man staring at him and smiled before sticking his hand out," I'm Namjoon by the way, I'm the Master's personal butler," Yoongi looked down at the hand and hesitantly took it before replying," I'm Yoongi," he said and then looked away before his cheeks could start heating up again. Namjoon could only smile fondly at the adorable man. He found the man enchanting and wanted to know him more but he suddenly jumped and had a look of absolute terror in his eyes.

" I was supposed to meet the Young Master," he hurriedly explained before taking off down the hall. Namjoon only chuckled and wondered when the next time he and Yoongi would meet again.

Yoongi was now sprinting to the Young Master's room but once again ran right into someone but this time heard a loud crash. Yoongi gasped down at the food that was now on the ground. He sputtered before quickly kneeling to the ground and trying his best to scoop the food back into the platter and trying to make it look presentable but was quickly stopped by a pair of yet another strong hands. He was easily picked up and sat down onto a nearby couch and that was when he finally took notice of the man before him. And man did he notice. This man was a literal work of art, his face was beyond beautiful and every curve of his face looked as if it belonged in a museum. From his jet black hair down to his bony fingers, this man was the perfect example of handsome.

Before Yoongi could mutter out an  apology the man let loose a loud laugh that reminded him of a windshield wiper," I'm sorry but that had just made my day," the man finally huffed out after laughing for a full minute," I'm Jin by the way and I'm the head chef here," he explained. Yoongi slowly introduced himself still trying to catch up with what just happened.

"Yoongi? Oh you must be the new maid here, ohmygod just look at you! You're so adorable," the man squealed before grabbing Yoongi and giving him a once over," but you're so skinny, don't worry, I'll make sure to get some meat in you" he said before licking his bottom lip and winking at him. Yoongi felt his cheeks blossom once more and looked away from the loud man.

Yoongi then remembered his mission and tried to explain to the man that he really need to go but he was stopped," the Young Master? Oh that's perfect! That meal you just destroyed was his late lunch so while I whip up a new one you can stay in kitchen and keep me company" Jin said. Yoongi frowned slightly at his words," Are you sure he'll be okay with that? I am new around here and I don't want to get in any more trouble on my first day". Jin chuckled and said," don't worry, that boy has to listen to me" before dragging Yoongi away while another maid started cleaning up the mess.

When they reached the kitchen there was another young man in there stuffing his cheeks with what looked to be cookies. He looked up in surprise and was about to run out of the kitchen before Jin had screeched," KIM TAEHYUNG YOU BASTARD, YOU ATE ALL THE COOKIES AGAIN"  the man was about to speak before his eyes landed on Yoongi who jumped back into a dish rack at the moment Jin had raised his voice," Shit," he muttered holding his arm which now had a small cut with a little blood dribbling from it. Taehyung quickly knelt down beside the small man and lifted him up," Sorry Jinnie, I need to take care of him, scold me next time!" He said before stepping outside the kitchen and making his way down the hallway with the sound of Jin's yells trailing behind them.

Yoongi looked up from his wound into the man's face and realized that he too was a beauty. He had dark brown hair, a small mole on his cheek, and one double eyelid which Yoongi simply adored. Yoongi didn't notice he was staring until said man spoke up," You know I usually don't mind such heated looks but can't you wait until we're somewhere more private?" He asked while winking at Yoongi who was still in his arms. Yoongi quickly looked away making Taehyung smile. Once they reached their destination, what looked like a makeshift nurse's room, Taehyung put him down before grabbing a first aid kit from a top shelf. Taheyung quickly cleaned up Yoongi's wound while speaking to him," you know Yoongi Hyung you've been getting in a lot of trouble today," he started making Yoongi gulp," Dont  worry I won't hurt you unless you ask me too," he said with a glint in his eyes making Yoongi shiver a bit. Taehyung had just finished putting a band aid on his arm before noticing that,"Wow is that all that it takes? Oh Hyung, we're going to have so much fun together," he said before leaning in close to the older.

"MIN YOONGI," someone yelled making Yoongi and Taehyung both jump away from each other. Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a sweaty but insanely hot man looking absolutely furious. Before he could ask who he was Taheyung spoke," Jungkook calm down I wasn't going to eat him," he paused looking back at Yoongi and licking his lips," yet" he finished smiling back at Jungkook. Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair before stalking out of the room," Yoongi. My room. Now." He said. Yoongi gulped before hurrying out of the room to try and catch up with his Young Master.

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