The Bright Man

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When Yoongi woke up he found himself alone. He frowned before noticing a note beside his pillow, " Good morning Kitten, I hope I wasn't too hard on you yesterday >.< I'll make it up to you next time ;-) I told Jungkook you were really worn out last night so he gave you the rest of the night off. Hopefully you feel better today -TaeTae ^.^"

Yoongi smiled at himself," He's really growing on me." He thought. He finally got up to find himself in a set of too large pajamas and his maid uniform hanging on the door. He looked down at the pajamas loving how they were too big on him and hugged himself in them before getting up to change.

Once Yoongi changed he went to get some breakfast in the kitchen and noticed there was a man inside making coffee. The man smiled brightly at him, too brightly considering the time it was.

" Hi, I'm Hoseok, and you?" He asked sticking his hand out. Yoongi, who was momentarily blinded from the man's smile, smiled back shyly.

" I'm Yoongi, I started yesterday." He said, taking his hand but before he could pull away Hoseok pulled his hand to his face and kissed it," That makes sense, I would've remembered a pretty face like yours, especially if you're always wearing that." He said winking making Yoongi blush and remember what he was wearing. He took his hand back and tugged the short dress down, trying to make it look longer but failing anyways. Yoongi's stomach suddenly growled very loudly making him look away from the bright man from embarrassment quickly remembering why he came here in the first place.

Hoseok laughed at the cute man. He turned around and produced a plate of food he was going to eat but decided to give it to the older," Here's your breakfast, Jin mentioned that you missed it because you woke up late." He lied but the other didn't seem to notice because he was already drooling looking at the food and quickly grabbed it and sat down licking his lips. As Yoongi was eating Hoseok made light conversation with him. Asking about what he did before here, where did he grow up, if he had any siblings and so on. Yoongi answered all of them feeling relaxed around the man until he asked if he was single.

Yoongi choked on his food before drinking from a glass of water Hoseok brought him," I-Im not really seeing a-anyone right now," he stuttered out before getting up to put his plate away. Hoseok trailed after Yoongi making him slightly annoyed," Don't you have work to do?" He asked. But hoseok shook his head," I'm the Young Master's driver, I only work when he calls me." He said smirking as his eyes looked over Yoongi's body.

Yoongi huffed at his answer as he continued walking to the supplies closet hoping to get some work done for once. When they reached the closet Yoongi walked inside to grab a duster but turned around quickly when he heard Hoseok walk in after him," Why're you still following me? It's too cramped in here for two people." Yoongi angrily huffed out with his hands on his hips.

Hoseok smiled at him," I would never pass up an opportunity to be pressed up against your perky ass." Yoongi blushed at his words as he felt Hoseok getting closer to him when suddenly they heard the door shut. Yoongi's eyes grew big as he pushed past Hoseok and tried opening the door," There's no use in doing that Sweetheart, it locks once its closed" he said running his hand through his hair. Yoongi's eyes started tearing up at his words.

" B-but I need to work, I haven't done anything right since I got here and the Young Master will get mad again and-and-" Yoongi had a few tears rolling down his cheeks as he started sniffling. Suddenly he was enveloped in a hug from behind.

" Shh, it's ok sweetie, you'll get your chance to show the Young Master how hard you work. I hardly know you but I can already tell how hardworking and dedicated you are." Hoseok said while hugging him from behind. Yoongi noticeably relaxed at his soothing words and leaned back into the man when he felt something hard  at his ass. Yoongi gasped and tried spinning around only for Hoseok to hold on tighter," Are you really hard right now?!" Yoongi shrieked.

Hoseok chuckled deeply in his ear." I can't help it, when I saw your tears I was torn between making you feel better or make you cry more." He said as he started grinding on the poor boy.

Yoongi groaned through his teeth, still angry but horny now that he had a dick against his ass. Yoongi bit his lip before grinding back onto Hoseok feeling himself grow harder. Hoseok smirked from behind him and reached forward to lift up the maid dress and work his way into Yoongi's panties to stroke him to life. Hoseok groaned at how slick his hand quickly became and lifted it to Yoongi's mouth so he could taste himself.

" H-Hoseok, hurry" Yoongi pleaded after he took his hand away," please f-fuck me." He said while grinding harder at Hoseok's erection trying to get some friction. Hoseok suddenly pushed Yoongi down so he was bending over and lowered his head to his now twitching pink hole, he licked his lips before licking a stripe over it.

Yoongi sucked in a breathe before quietly letting it out as Hoseok entered his tongue inside him," Fuck Hoseok..ahhn.. moree." He said grinding his ass back onto his face. Hoseok gladly worked his tongue into his hole feeling around inside. He then stuck a finger next to his tongue and started stretching making Yoongi moan loudly. Yoongi tried covering his mouth as he felt Hoseok's tongue licking inside him while his finger prodded deeper inside.

Hoseok took his mouth away and stuck another finger inside, scissoring him, watching at how Yoongi's small dick started leaking precum onto the floor. Hoseok started thrusting his fingers faster at the sight making Yoongi moan loudly into his hand," Hoseok I-I'm g-going to-," he suddenly whines at the lost of contact when Hoseok took his fingers away.

" Sorry Sweetheart but you cant come yet," he said as he pulled down his pants down and stroked his aching cock before lining it up at Yoongi's twitching hole," you cant come until I'm ready." He finished as he suddenly thrusted his whole length inside.

Yoongi felt a shot of pain as tears rolled down his cheeks, Hoseok leaned over and peppered his back with kisses," I'm sorry Baby, tell me when you're ready ok?" He said as he stayed still inside of him.

A couple minutes later Yoongi nodded his head and Hoseok started thrusting shallowly before picking up the pace," Shit Hyung, you're so tight.. it feels so good." He said between pants as he turned Yoongi to his side and lifted his leg up so he could go in deeper. Yoongi screamed behind his hand as he felt Hoseok hitting his prostate.

Hoseok moves his hand away," Are you going to come soon Baby? Are you going to come for me?" He asked Yoongi as he slowed down his pace. Yoongi looked up at him with his tear streaked face and nodded, "Please Hoseokie, I need to come." Hoseok nodded as he pick up his pace again, thrusting sloppily into Yoongi's hole chasing after his release too," Ok baby.. you can.. now," he said and felt as Yoongi's walls tightened around his cock and groaned as he released his seed inside him.

Yoongi, breathing heavily, fell to the ground as he felt his cum all over his stomach. Hoseok pulled up his pants again and knelt beside Yoongi, stroking his face softly. Yoongi opened his eyes to see Hoseok looking at him with a fond expression," I'm still pissed at you," he told him before reaching his arms up so he'll pick him up. Hoseok laughed," You're going to be even more pissed once I tell you I've had the key all along."


Jimin went around the giant house asking everyone if Yoongi Hyung really did work here but no one has heard of that name. He punched a wall as he grew more and more frustrated.

" Woah, what crawled up your ass?" A voice asked from behind him. There stood Tae with a plate of cookies he probably stole from Jin's kitchen before he could catch him. Jimin grabbed Tae by the shirt making him drop a few," Yesterday, was that really Yoongi Hyung with you?" He asked through clench teeth. Tae, startled at the small man quickly knocked him off of him before replying," So what if it was? Why do you care? It's not like you've met him yet." He said bending down to pick up the cookies and blowing on them before putting them back on the plate.

Jimin's eyes widened for a second before straightening himself again and murmured a " thank you" before leaving a confused Taehyung behind ," what was that all about?" He thought to himself.

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