The Young Master

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Yoongi trailed after his Young Master trying desperately to keep up with his much shorter legs," Young Master -huff- please, slow down," Yoongi desperately pleaded. Jungkook spun around to see a slightly sweaty and out of breath Yoongi, his face softened for a split second but soon returned to his angry expression from before. He turned around again and kept walking but slowed down just a little for the smaller man to keep up. When they arrived at Jungkook's room Yoongi was ordered to go into his closet and fetch a bag. Once he returned with it he tried giving it to Jungkook but he only smirked, "It's for you, cosider it a welcome to the team gift."

Yoongi, startled at his Young Master's sudden change in demeanor, hesitantly opened the package and gasped," But this- this is.." Jungkook chuckled at the now blushing man," it's your uniform. You must wear it everyday".

Yoongi held up the frilly maid dress and blushed at the thought of him wearing it. Now as you might have guessed, Yoongi is very girly. He has always loved dressing up, wearing his mother's high heels, and sometimes her makeup too. But that was inside the safety of his home. Never outside and never in front of someone else.

Yoongi stared at the dress fondly before realizing what he was doing," But Sir, this is for a girl, I'm a boy!" He squeaked, still blushing. Jungkook only looked on with amusement," Don't worry, I think you'll look good in it," he said as he got closer to Yoongi. He bent down slightly so he could whisper in his ear," you'll look so pretty in this, so good I'll have to restrain myself from touching you in front of everyone else," Yoongi shivered at that.

" What do you mean touching me? You can't do that! Isn't there some sort of law against sexual harassment in a workplace and-" He was suddenly cut off as Jungkook slammed him against the wall and kissed him. Yoongi quickly surrendered to his Young Master and let himself relax under him. Jungkook trailed his tongue over his bottom lips asking for access and once he had it he slipped his tongue inside. Yoongi whimpered as Jungkook assaulted his mouth, his arms slowly making its way around Jungkook's shoulders as Jungkook grabbed Yoongi by the waist and skillfully grinded his now hard erection into the older's thigh. Yoongi gasped at the feeling and tried to push away but Jungkook wouldn't let him go. Yoongi, now hard as well, began shaking as Jungkook grinded their erections against each other through the fabric of their clothes. Yoongi let out a small moan into Jungkook's mouth making Jungkook break away from their kiss to look down at him. Yoongi's mouth was swollen from their kiss and as Jungkook began trailing kisses down his neck Yoongi began moaning quietly, he began rocking his hips against Jungkook's as well, trying to chase after his release. Jungkook suddenly bite down on Yoongi's neck and Yoongi came undone, letting out a strangled cry the man came while panting the words," Young Master," over and over again before slowly slumping down against the wall.

Jungkook, still hard, looked out at the other man who was still panting and looked up at him with lustful eyes. He quickly unbuckled his jeans and finally gave his throbbing cock some attention. Jungkook stroked himself while looking at the blissed out Yoongi who was staring at his cock as if he wanted to taste it. So Jungkook pulled the man's head toward his aching cock and smeared his precum over his lips, moaning at the contact. Yoongi licked his lips and then looked up at his Young Master with big eyes, waiting to see what he'll do next. Jungkook groaned as he stroked himself faster while looking down at Yoongi, dark stain on the front of his pants and shiny lips from his precum and suddenly released onto his face. Jungkook strokes himself through his release and looked at the small man below him to see him sampling the white liquid.

Jungkook groaned again at the sight before tucking himself back into his jeans and pulling Yoongi up. Yoongi blushed after realizing what he had just done, he was about to try and explain himself but Jungkook kissed him again, tasting himself. Jungkook then pulled away and smiled at Yoongi," Now, why don't you go and put on that dress, you wouldn't want anyone to see that on your first day here,right?" He asked while pointing at Yoongi's dark stain on the front of his pants. Yoongi's face heated up and he rushed to the bathroom to change.

Jungkook chuckled at the older man's back," This'll be fun," he said quietly to himself.

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