What we used to be (Part 2)

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After the fight that happened between the two of you that night, you have never dreamt of living with Daryl. And you were right, it was uncomfortable seeing the man you loved since you were young.

You have come to notice that he changed for the better. He's not the boy you knew. He's now a man.

"Daryl!" Denver ran to Daryl. He smiled a little, for the past two weeks they have grown closer. Denver may not look a lot like you, but he had your attitudes when you were young and this entertains Daryl.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"I can't find papa, have you seen him?" Daryl nodded, he pointed at your direction where you were standing beside Blake near the farm. "He's right there,"

Denver looked at that direction and returned to look at Daryl again with a wide smile in his face. "Thanks Daryl!" Then he ran away.

Daryl sighed thinking he has yet again witnessed another family bonding of you guys. Not that he wasn't happy to see you happy, but he couldn't stop thinking about his what ifs. What if he told you his true feelings before? You guys could've gotten married and he could be on Blake's spot right now. He sighed again knowing that it was impossible. He was deep in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Carol sitting beside him.

"Mind telling me how you guys knew each other?" She asked and Daryl just shrugged.

"We lived in the same neighborhood, we're not really that close." Daryl lied.

"You're not a good liar Daryl,"

Daryl sighed, "I know,"

"You're not a good liar Daryl!" You asked him if he was okay because he looks pale today. But he told you he was fine.

"Why do ya act like ya know me well huh?" He pushed you a little.

"Because I do!" You pulled him by his arm and you both went on your way to his house but he stopped you.

"Let's not go there," he said. "I-I can't take ya with me."

And that confirmed your suspicions, Daryl's dad is back which means he got punished for nothing again... that's why he looked sick. You sighed, "fine, let me get my first aid then we'll go treat that in the forest."

You were sure that Daryl had a new set of wounds and bruises again so you both went to his hide-out to treat him.

Daryl shook his head, "stop it." He told himself.

"Stop what?" Carol asked.

"We were—," he stutter, thinking what you two were. "I-I," he exhaled harshly as he shook his head. He didn't know what you two were either.

"What? You two were each other's first love?" Carol asked with a hint of smile in her voice.

Daryl glared at her, "Shut up." Then he stood up, he threw one more glance to you just as you were about to look at him. Then he continued walking away.

Daryl sat on a log under the tree where he placed his tent away from others. He was sharpening his arrows and was deep in his thoughts. Carol and him had a talk earlier about you.

"I was an asshole who broke her heart," Daryl told Carol. "That's what I was to her."

Carol frowned. "You mean.. you two were not together?"

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