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It's funny how we fell in love with someone we didn't even noticed the first time we met them.

You met Daryl Dixon when his group came rushing to your father's farm with a boy named Carl who was accidentally shot by Otis.

At first, you never really noticed Daryl. He was quiet and he likes to isolate himself, making it impossible for you to talk to him.

But when your group first came into the prison, things changed. Things like the way you looked at Daryl. You started noticing him, how he handles walkers, how brave he is, his loyalty to Rick and to the group, how he secretly cares for the group and how he hunts everyday just to feed you guys.

You never really admitted your feelings for him to yourself before. Not until the council has been made. You two rarely talk to each other, so you never really thought that he would like you back.

Rick has assigned Daryl, Sasha, Glenn and you to help him in taking out walkers on the prison's fence in the midst of the hot Georgia sun.

"It's so hot!" Glenn said as he tries to look at the sun, "I thought we wouldn't be doing these type of things anymore because we're part of the council."

You chuckled. "Stop complaining and hurry up!"

Glenn sighed.

"Heads up! Drink first!" Maggie, your sister, yelled who was standing about 5 feet away as she threw a bottle of water in your direction. The four of you sat on the ground and leaned on the cleared fence.

"Finally, water break." Sasha said happily as she opens her bottled water.

After drinking yours, you closed your eyes feeling refreshed. You opened your eyes and turned to look at Daryl only to find out that he was staring at you, he quickly looked away.

This was the first time you ever caught him looking at you.

"A'right, back ta work." He said.

Rick asked Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne and you to pair up. Glenn quickly paired up with Maggie, leaving you with Daryl, Michonne and Rick.

"Daryl?" Rick asked.

Daryl nodded. "I'll just go with 'er," he moved to your direction. "We'll take east. C'mon Y/N," he said before walking away, you followed him.

While walking, you never really bothered to start a conversation. Knowing Daryl, he would just get annoyed of you being so noisy. From time to time he would look back at you to check if you were okay.

"Ya don't really talk much?" He asked

"U-uh.." you were surprised that he was talking to you. "I.."

"But whenever I see ya around the prison, ya always smile and laugh around other people." Daryl said squinting his eyes. "Ya scared of me?"

You shook your head no, "I-I'm not.." you bit your lip, "we just don't talk that much, so..."

Daryl nodded his head, "Yeah, all ya do is stare." He turned his back to you again and he started walking. "Never really know how to talk to ya, ya seem to avoid me every time."

"T-that's not true."

"It is true." He scoffed. "I get it, I'm scary."

"T-that's not the reason why I'm not talking to you."

He stopped walking and turned to you. "Then why?"

You tried to find an excuse but you just couldn't. Should you tell him that you like him?

"I get it," he said and resumed walking. "I find it hard ta talk with ya too."


"The way ya look at me, it bothers me."

"I never thought you actually notice me,"

Daryl stopped in front of a log and sat down, he was now facing you.

"Before, it didn't really bothered me. But now, its impossible not to notice ya." He sighed. "At first I was just curious why ya kept staring at me like that. But now, it became a hobby of mine to stare at ya."

You were speechless.

"I tried doing the same trick ya did to me. Hoping ya could notice me like how I noticed ya." He shook his head. "But it didn't seem to work." He looks up at you. "What? Ya ain't sayin' anythin'?"

"I, I never thought..." you stutter, failing to find the right words to say.

You closed your eyes and inhaled.

"I-I like you,"

He was silent for a while. You slowly opened your eyes and saw him still sitting on the log, he was staring right at you without any expression. Once you started staring at him, he looked away. He looked side ways before standing up and walking again.

You felt embarrassed. Obviously, he'll hate you now. It's funny 'cause it was actually the longest time that you two talked and probably the last.

You followed him. And sometimes thought of just running away from him.

In the middle of walking, he stopped.

"I think, I do too."

You were startled.


He looked at you over his shoulders.

"Nevermind if ya don't get it."

He started walking away again.

"I-I do!"

He stopped in his tracks again and turned to look at you with a sly smirk plastered on his face. "Good," he tilted his head to the side. "C'mon,"

Daryl Dixon Imagines and One shot storiesWhere stories live. Discover now