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You ran to open the gates when you heard a motorcycle.

It's Daryl's group. They're finally back.

You can't fight the smile that formed in your face. Your heart was pounding, happy that he was back in the prison, safe and sound.

He hopped off from his motorcycle and smiled at you. You wanted to run to him and hug him.. but you can't. Your feelings will be obvious.

Yes, you like Daryl Dixon.

You met him and his group on the road, they said they came from a farm that got overrun. You and him had a rough start, you were both a lone wolf and didn't like each other at first. But you eventually grew close after the incident with the governor as you open the prison's gates to the survivors of woodbury.

Daryl Dixon rarely smile but when he does, the world stops rotating. His smile is the most precious thing in the world. It's contagious and it always warm your heart seeing him smile genuinely especially when you're the reason why. It was the best feeling.

"So, how was the run?"

He shrugged and smiled. "Easy,"

You laughed and slightly punched him in the shoulder, "show off,"

He chuckled and narrowed his eyes, "what? It's true." He scanned your face and smiled once again. "Are ya in love?"


He flicked your forehead, "they said people are in love if they have a pimple on their forehead or nose, is that true?"

You glared and felt a little embarrassed about your pimple. "Not true,"

"Who's the unlucky guy?"


You wanted to tell him but you punched him on his arm instead and left to get the stuffs that they got from the run. He threw his head back as he chuckled. "I's kiddin' Y/N!"

"what? I'm not angry."

"Yeah yeah, but you look like you're about to punch someone."

You faked laugh and threw the box to his arms. He wobbled to his feet because of your unexpected move. "Put these inside Dixon,"

He pursed his lips and said, "Yes ma'am," then he winked at you before walking away.

You smiled to yourself as you placed your hand to your chest, your heart was beating so fast.

"This is getting so frustrating to watch," A voice surprised you. You jumped back, surprised, before turning around. It was Maggie who was standing behind you. "You and him. You should honestly start dating!"

You rolled your eyes.

"I mean it's obvious that you both like each other."

"We can't say that Mags,"

"Oh yes we can. He smiles a lot around you, isn't that a good hint? Daryl Dixon rarely smile, but he's all smiles when he's with you! He's sending signals. Just tell him how you feel Y/N."

"I hope it's that easy." You exhaled. "Do you really think he likes me?"

"Duh, it's what everyone thinks!"

You closed your eyes and nodded. "Ok—"

"What is it?" You best friend, Angel, asked. She smiled. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing," you and Maggie said.

"Y/N, I thought ya gonna bring the other boxes inside. I've been—" Daryl stopped in his sentence. He gave Angel a shy nod and another one to Maggie. "I-I've been waitin' for ya," he sounded shy all of a sudden when there are other people around.

Daryl Dixon Imagines and One shot storiesWhere stories live. Discover now