Chapter 1: Mysterious Savior

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Please Note: This is my first fan fiction! I do not own any of the Attack on Titan characters except for the one I have created. I also don't own the cover picture. Any suggestions are accepted and I will try my very hardest to update regularly! I hope you guys enjoy and apologies for any grammatical errors in the future! 😊 Now to the story.


Levi' POV:

""This is the farthest we have been from the walls yet!" I hear Hanji shout over the sound of the horse's hooves. Lately on our expeditions we have been trying to explore more of the land around us to see if we can discover anything new. Although each time we do one of these missions we get attacked by a group of titans. For some reason I had a horrible feeling that something was going to happen. I tried to keep that thought more towards the back of my head but to no avail. All I could do at the moment was keep my eyes open for any suspicious activities ahead of us. I swear you can never relax in these types of situations. We were in a very woodland area when I heard.....

"Corporal! A group of titans are coming up on our right!" Eren exclaimed from behind me. I turned my head and sure enough there were three 15 meter titans in that direction. Or at least from what I could see.

"Alright, men we are going in. Be prepared to fight! Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!" I heard my squad say behind me. With that we fired our 3DMG and we were in the air. I glance over to where the titans were and I was shocked at what I saw. There weren't just three 15 meter titans there was also a group of 10 meter titans around them. How did none us see those! I quickly counted the number of titans right there and in total I counted twelve. This was the largest group we have encountered since the female titan incident. I think everyone here was as shocked as I was but there were already people trying to take out the 15 meter titans. I was able to take out one of the larger ones without any problem, but as I was going for the second one when I felt something grab me and I couldn't move.

"Shit!" I realized what was happening, I was in a titan's grasp. I couldn't move my hands so I wasn't able to pull out my swords. I quickly looked down and saw that my squad was busy with the rest of the titans. I turned back to the titan now staring at me, "You bastard!!! I'll..." I stopped after that, I couldn't do anything. I suddenly get a very grim thought in my head. This is what it feels like when you are about to die. I could feel the titan lifting me into the air, preparing to drop me into its mouth. After that I closed my eyes, waiting for my own demise.

Suddenly the titan screeched and it's head rolled back. When this happened the grip of the titan loosened causing me to drop. Snapping back to reality I reached for my gear, but before I could I felt someone catch me mid-air. I looked up to not see someone from my squad, but someone I had never seen before. The stranger was wearing a black hood so I couldn't really tell what the person looked like. Before I could say anything we landed on a large tree branch and the person laid me down. The stranger stood up and turned towards the rest of the titans. "Stay here unless you want to be killed!" At that moment I realized that the stranger was actually a female. I stared as she launched off the branch. The girl made her way towards the hoard of titans.

"Corporal! Are you alright!" I turned my head to see Hanji, Eren, and the other members of my squad on the branch next to mine. "I'm fine," while saying this I looked for that woman and what I saw I couldn't believe. She was high up in the air and had two blades unsheathed over her head. With one fluid motion she sliced the necks of two 10 meter titans at once. I was shocked, I've never seen that done before. After that the woman quickly bounced from tree to tree in a zig-zagged motion. By the time she turned around five titans were down. The only titan left was a 15 meter titan. She shot her hooks onto a higher branch than the one we were currently on. After she got a height advantage she simply sliced the nape of the titan's neck and landed on the ground.

Everyone was shocked. In total she killed eight out of the twelve titans. I could tell that everyone was amazed at her skill. While she was still on the ground I decided I should try to talk to her. With that decision made I clicked the triggers of my 3DMG and jumped off the branch. When I did that though the hooks didn't go far enough and I was now falling off the branch. "Damn it!" Before I hit the ground the girl raced over and caught me..... again, this was a bit embarrassing. I could hear Hanji and some of the other squad members laughing. I'll get them for that later. The woman stood me up straight and was glaring at me. It was only then I noticed that she had piercing dark brown eyes almost black.

"Dumb ass," she said as she removed her cape placing it on the ground next to her. Now I was able to see what she actually looked like. The girl had dark brown hair, almost as dark as her eyes, that went down to her shoulders. She was also a few centimeters shorter than I am, which surprised me. I noticed at that point that her gear and weapons were different than ours. Her 3DMG straps only went half way up her thigh, two were secured at her shoulders, and one went around her stomach. She had two large black steel swords strapped to her back which were connected to her 3DMG somehow. I'm assuming that's how she flys around with the gear. She was also wearing all black. The woman was wearing shorts that went to around where her gear straps ended, a slim tank top, and a small jacket that only went to the end of her rib cage. I only noticed the jacket when she removed her cape which I noticed had a hood connected to it.

"Ummm.... Sir, are you okay?" I didn't realize it but it turns out that I was just staring at her the entire time. Oops. "I'm fine." "Well good, but I must say you are quite an idiot," she said as she leaned against a near by tree, crossing her arms, and put her head down."I placed you up there because I noticed when I put you down that your gear was broken. I was just about to come up there when I see you just falling out of the tree. Anyway you don't seem to have any serious injuries, probably just some bruising." She raised her head, looking me straight in the eyes as if intimidating me. "What's your name?"

"Levi, Corporal Levi." I said in the coldest voice I could manage at that moment. "What's yours?"

"Corporal hu?" She said as she got up from the tree and took a step forward.

"Just call me N."

Humanity's Unexpected Savior (Levi X OC) (Attack On Titan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now