Chapter 7: Jealous Nightmares

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N's POV:

It's been a week since the Corporal caught me in the dinning hall. I ended up sitting with him at dinner for the whole week. We didn't talk that much at the table but Hanji would go a mile a minute with her questions. I gave her the book because she was, well titan obsessed, and I thought it could help her out a little. I was thinking these things as I walked down the hallway to go to dinner. While in thought I heard people walk up from behind me. I turn around to find Eren and Armin walking towards me. "Hey N, why don't you sit with us today. I mean, you have been sitting at the Corporal's table for a while." Eren asked a bit nervously as we walked to our destination. "Sure," I replied with a small smile on my face. "I'm in need for a little change of pace. Besides I don't think the Corporal would mind." As I said that we stepped into the dinning hall, that was when I noticed the Corporal wasn't there. 'Oh well, he must be busy' I thought to myself as I took a seat at Eren's table. Sasha, Mikasa, Jean, and Connie were already at the table when we sat down.

"N, long time no see." Jean said in a sarcastic tone. "Ha, funny." I looked around the table and examined everyone's food. I didn't feel like eating today, in fact I felt stuffed. Every night at dinner this week Corporal has made me eat something and also lately he has been sending breakfast to my room each morning. "Do you want some of mine N?" Armin asked as he slid his plate in my direction. "No I'm fine, you eat." I haven't cooked in a while due to the fact that I haven't hunted in the time I've been here. Mental note: hunt soon and cook. "Ill take it!" Sasha exclaimed as she grabbed Armin's plate. "Hey! Armin only offered some of his food not all of it!" Connie shouted at Sasha. This made me chuckle, which made everyone stare at me. This is when I remember I don't usually laugh in front of them, I only laugh around the Corporal. As conversations continued the Corporal walked in and scanned the dinning hall, going wide-eyed when he saw me. I continued my talk with Eren when suddenly, everyone fell silent and had horrified expressions on their faces. Even Eren got quiet real quick. Before I turned around I heard the unforgettable voice of the Corporal.

"N, what are you doing here and why aren't you eating?" "Eren and Armin asked if I would sit with them and I replied with a yes. I decided to change it up a bit. And I'm too full to eat, you have been stuffing me to the rim with food." I replied flatly with an unamused expression. "You need to eat N, come on." Corporal grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "I said I wasn't hungry! Why do you care so much anyway? I mean it's truly very nice of you, but I think you should worry about yourself and your people before you get on my case." I told him as I pulled away. He looked down at his feet before walking towards Eren. "Why did you ask her to sit with you?" He sounded serious. "I thought she might like it over here, and besides why do you care? Are you jealous Corporal?" Eren questioned him as he got up, smirking at that last part. "How DARE you speak to me like that! And NO, I am not jealous of the likes of you. You're just lucky that she has a huge heart and couldn't reject your offer." "What do you mean the likes of you? What, the fact I'm a titan shifter? So what could I do to her in this form." I learned that he was a titan shifter by Hanji a few days ago, but I wasn't really that shocked, but this fight didn't just shock me, it scared me a bit. "You could do plenty Jaeger, let's just say I just don't trust any of you around her, especially you Eren." Corporal stated as he looked around the room. "Tch, like you could care for her Corporal." Eren challenged him as he cocked an eyebrow.

Corporal clenched his teeth as he balled up his fist and brought back his foot. "You bastard!" He screamed by this point, throwing his punch. Before his fist could come in contact with Eren I caught it with my hand which caused me to slide back a bit. "Enough! I won't let you guys fight over something so stupid, you dumb asses!" I decided to slap both of them on the cheek, not hard, but enough that it would get through to them. "I'm going to find a place to relax. By the way I'm going hunting tomorrow so I won't be here for dinner tomorrow. Goodnight." With that I left the dinning hall with the glares of everyone on my back. I decided to go relax in the Corporal's office. He had a huge window in there that I liked to look out of, it had a nice view. I sighed as I lied down on his couch. 'What am I going to do?' I thought as I felt my eyes get heavy. 'No' I thought 'Don't sleep, not again.' It was hopeless, I'm falling asleep. "Damn it," I whispered as I closed my eyes, letting the darkness of slumber consume me.

Levi's POV:

After N left I stood there with my hand on my cheek 'Why did I do that?' I asked myself as I turned to Eren, who was sitting on the ground. "Oi brat," he stared up at me with a terrified expression on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say 'the likes of you', I don't know what came over me. It was very unprofessional and I apologize." With that I nodded at Eren and left the dinning hall. Everyone there stared at me as I walked out, I usually don't apologize to Jaeger when I get into fights with him. I strode to my office, thinking about how I could apologize to N for what happened. As I walk into my office my eyes widened. N was lying down on my couch fast asleep. I walk over to her and smiled a little bit, "I guess she does sleep." I whisper to myself as I turn around to walk out the room. Before I reach the door I hear something behind me, it sounded like a gasp.

I turn around to see N twitching her eyes, starting to shake, and her breathing started to stagger. I start walking towards her in shock, I think she is having a nightmare. ", please! G..get away." N started speaking in her sleep and tears started to roll down her cheek. I went down on my knees and started wiping the tears off of her face. "N, N! Wake up!" I kind of shouted, shaking her in an attempt to wake her up. Her eyes shot open and she stared at me for a moment before she pulled me into a death hug. She started crying into my shirt, "I'm sorry, I just..." She trailed of at the end. I sat her up and I got on the couch next to her, "It's alright, you're fine. It was just a nightmare." "It's not though!" I jumped a little at her sudden outburst. N pulled away, as she did she put her hands on my shoulders so that I could face her. "The reason I don't sleep is the fact that whenever I do old, repressed memories of my old life rerun themselves in my head. They aren't nightmares, they are my memories. Do you know what that's like, reliving hell every time you close you eyes?"

I quickly pulled her back into a hug, she struggled a bit but I wouldn't let her go. "Yes N, I do." N stopped moving and tried to look at me, I moved her in front of me. "A while back I lost a lot of people who meant a lot to me, pretty much I lost most of my squad. I sometimes have nightmares about how my friends died. I don't know what happened to you and it sounds weird but I would like to know what happened. But, you don't have to tell me now, tell me later. For now you're safe here. We will, no, I'll protect you. You saved my life so now I'll protect yours." N looked at me in disbelief. "C..Corporal..." "Let's go to your dorm, maybe you can get some more sleep before morning." With that I got up and grabbed N's arm, pulling her to her feet. We walked out my office and to her dorm. She opened the door and stopped, turning towards me.

"Thank you Corporal." "Oh, I'm not leaving yet." I said as I walk into the room. "Hu?" N said as she followed behind me, closing the door. There was a large chair at the corner of the room, I pulled it to the edge of her bed and sat down. N was still standing in front of the door. "I'm staying here till you fall asleep, I'm making sure you do. N sighed, "Fine." She said flatly crawling into bed turning her back to me. "By the way N, I'm sorry for what happened at dinner. I wasn't myself" I said kind of shyly and my face heated up a bit. Damn it I think I'm blushing again. "It's fine, you don't got anything to apologize for, at least you shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should say sorry to Eren." She kept her back to me but her tone lightened. "Already did." "Good, goodnight Corporal." Soon after that she fell asleep. I got up to leave when I turn back to see N smiling in her sleep, which made me smile. "I think I have finally realized what is wrong with me..... I think I have fallen in love with her." I whispered as quietly as I could as I walked out the door.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Quick question, I will be continuing this story for a while, but I was thinking of maybe a bit later starting a new story. Which anime should I base it off of:

Death Note (L x OC) or Soul Eater (Death the Kid x OC)

Let me know by commenting. Thanks again for reading and see you in Chapter 8! 😊

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