Chapter 3: Not My Superior

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoy, and side note. This may contain a SPOILER from Attack On Titan! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :) Now to the story....


N's POV:

I had to admit, these walls were larger than I expected. What surprised me more was the amount of people that were still alive. As we all strode into Wall Sina the glares of the citizens were not locked on the returning troops. All their eyes were on me. I didn't like it, in fact it irritated me beyond belief. I swear I would have went off on them all of them if I wasn't in their territory.

Hanji's POV:

As we rode our horses into Wall Sina a crowd of people gathered to watch us come back, or in their case to see who died. This has been the first time in a while that we have gone on an expedition and no one died. While we were riding along I noticed that everyone was staring at N, and it appears that the Corporal was noticing as well. As we went by the people they made comments about N like 'Look at what the cat dragged in' and 'Who's the new short girl,' and you could tell that N was getting pissed.

Then suddenly, "Enough! If I hear one more rude comment about the girl who just saved not only all our asses, but yours I'll throw you into the dungeon and you will become one of our 'test subjects'! Do I make myself clear?" The Corporal nearly screamed at the citizens. His action shocked everyone including a wide-eyed N, but the crowd finally shut up after that. The rest of the ride back to HQ was quiet, you might even say peaceful. I turn back to get a glance of N. She was still walking and she was next to Eren. Surprisingly though, N looked happier than she was a few minutes ago, almost relieved.

When we made our way to HQ we put our horses back into the stables. N stayed outside near the door, for some reason she just didn't go near horses. As we exited I went up to N. "Hey N, follow me. You're gonna have to meet Erwin in order to stay here." "Who?" N questioned not moving from her spot. "Erwin is the main commander here." "Then why wasn't he with you guys during the expedition. Aren't commanders supposed to go on those types of things?" It was almost as if she interrogated us every time we said something.

"You will see once you meet him." The Corporal said from behind N. Walking in front of me he added in "I'll be going with you two. I feel like I should be there since I was the one who asked her to come." N sighed, "Fine. Let's just get this over with." With that the three of us started walking towards the Commander's office while I made small talk about titans. That's my go-to conversation starter. "So, you're into titans Hanji?" N questioned as we were about to reach the Commander's office. "Am I, well N let me tell you.." "We're here" Corporal interrupted as we stopped at the door. Before I could say another word he opened the door and walked inside.

Inside Erwin was sitting in his chair drinking a cup of tea. Ever since our last encounter with the Armored Titan the Commander hasn't been able to fight. His right arm was taken off up to his shoulder by the titan. Since then he has remained at HQ helping out around here. "Corporal, Hanji welcome back. How did the expedition go? Did we lose anyone?" He asked before noticing N, who was standing behind the Corporal. "Who is this?" Erwin asked as he got up from his seat.

"No we didn't lose anyone, but while we were out there we ran into a massive hoard of titans. I was almost killed but she saved me before I was eaten. This is N." The Corporal explained while staring at the Commander with a deadpan expression. "I invited her to stay with us for a while in order to thank her. I don't see this being a problem, do you Hanji?" He questioned as he turned to face me. "Not a problem at all. She can stay at one of our guest rooms." Erwin looked the girl down head to toe. She stared at him with a blank expression, almost like the Corporal's."Alright fine, but on two conditions. One, she has to introduce herself to everyone at dinner tonight. Two, tomorrow morning she will have to prove herself by completing the trainees coarse. I just want to see what she can actually do." Erwin answered as he sat back in his chair. "Fine." N mutters from the background. With that we left the Commander's office.

N's POV:

"Well it looks like you got the okay from the Commander. Let me show you to your room so you can get settled. I mean, you have been carrying that stuff for hours now." Hanji was right, I wouldn't put my stuff down anywhere. I didn't 'trust' anyone here at the moment. Truth be told I never really trust anyone. "Alright." As we walked I noticed the Corporal was trailing behind me as if in deep thought. "Corporal, why are you still here?" Hanji questioned him as we made our way to what looked like the dorms. "Is that a way to speak to your superior shit glasses? I'm just making sure that N makes it to her dorm and nothing happens." He retorted. "What's the worse that can happen? It's not like I'm planning anything." Jeez, how suspicious do these people think I am. "It's not you I'm worried about. I don't want Hanji performing any 'tests' on you. And please, if you did anything I would take you down in an instant." He answered in a serious tone. "Well someone's a bit cocky are they?" I chuckled slightly under my breath. Tomorrow I'll show them all my strength and skill.

Before the Corporal could react we made it to my dorm. "We're here!" Hanji exclaimed as she opened the door. Inside, it was pretty dusty, but clean at the same time, at least in my opinion. "This place is disgusting!" I looked over at the Corporal questioningly. "I probably should of said this earlier, the Corporal has a cleaning problem." Hanji stated as she smiled. "Tch." Was all you heard from him before he started blow the dust off the dresser. "It's fine, don't worry about it. I'll clean it later." I said flatly, yet he didn't seem convinced. "By tomorrow night I want this room spotless. You hear me?" "Why are you giving me orders, you're not my superior." His eyes widened in shock. "But, fine. Come back here tomorrow night and it will be clean." After that we just stared at each other for a moment. Before either us could say anything else, "Well N, we will let you get settled in and just meet us in the dinning hall before dinner. You know where that is, right N?" Hanji asked while grabbing Corporals arm and dragging him towards the door. His eyes were still locked onto me. "Yeah.....I know where it is." "Great! See you there." With that they were both out the door, leaving me a bit confused.

Levi's POV:

One moment I was glaring into N's eyes and the next I'm being dragged by Hanji out into the hallway. "Why did you just do that?" I questioned her as we walked down the hallway. "I thought you two were about to get into a fight. I haven't seen your eyes go that wide in a very long time." She answered. Sigh, "Dumb ass, I wasn't going to fight her, in fact I was testing her." I paused for a moment, then a small smirk appeared on my face. "She is a lot stronger than I thought." With that I left for my office while leaving a very confused Hanji behind. Once in my office I smiled. "I have a feeling that stuff is about to happen around here." I whispered to myself as I walked over to my desk and sat down. "I'm kind of...... Excited in a sense."

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