Chapter Three: Questions Awnsered

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Elsa's P.O.V

What kind of monster have I become? I almost distroyed my own castle, trying to kill someone, I hardly even know. I just need to be alone where no one could find me. For a minute I thought this was the perfect location. I was wrong. I dont know how I know the name of Jack Frost, or why I couldent control myself, in harsh tasks. But maybe its time to give Jack a try. Maybe he isnt one of the cominors. Hopefully he isnt a hipocrite, that just wants me to bring back summer. And most of all, hopefully he is the awnser to most of my questions.

Jack? Are you okay?

I spoke telepathically to him. It took alot of concentration for one sentance, and it brought massive headaches when I spoke too much. I think thats one of the reasons, I never actually awnsered.

Yeah Snowflake, just a little crisp thats all.

I gave in a deep smile. I didnt understand why he can possibly awnser telepathically, but cant seem to wake up. I walked to his dirrection, and saw him laying next to a wooden stick. I grabbed it with my hand, and examined it. It didnt look special at all. Why would he carry this around?

My palm froze the staff with snowflakes. I examined them, for quiet a while. Suddenly at the tip of the stick, a shild of ice broke out infront of me. I didnt know what happend, but I knew I needed to talk to Jack. Now.

Jack! Wake up!

He seemed to ignore me, and at this moment I hated to be ignored. I walked to his direction, and shook his shoulder

"Jack wake up!"He still ignored me. "Jack this isnt a joke."

I started freaking out. Could it be possible I hurt him badly? No of course not. Hes just a little crisp.

"Jack, your really freaking me out here! If your alive, can you please wake up!?" I screamed

Now I was the one, acting like a mother about to loose their child. I have so many questions to ask, and he cant die on me! I cant go through this. I hold my hand to his chest. His heart was beating, and he was breathing. This is confusing me.

"Elsa? Is that you?" His voice wasn't in pain at all.

"Who else could it be? Yes its me!" I screamed.

Hegot up on his feet, and started examing his staff. Unaware that it was still in my hand. I looked at the ice castle. The floor had burned marks, everywhere and the walls where damaged with holes.

"Elsa, what are you doing with my staff?" He exclaimed.

I dropped the staff, to the frozen ground. I didnt know how to awnser that. I dont know why I grabbed his staff in the first place.

"Uhmm I dont know." I studdered.

I didnt, know how to ask him these questions and I was afraid to try. I wasnt sure I can trust him, yet.

"When I grabbed it, my powers seemed to be controlled from the staff, instead of my hands." I explained.

He kneeled to the ground, and grabbed the staff off the ground. His worried face was replaced with a sudden smile.

"Elsa, I believe I still have a secret hidden from you." He scratched the back of his head and skated to the ballroom.

What the heck are you doing frost? I questioned him telepathically

He didnt awnser, so I just decided to follow him. I glidded to the ballroom door. He was skating across the floor, jumping and doing tricks. I followed his lead, and did the same tricks. He gained more speed, by pushing himself faster and I followed. He curved through the corner of the room, moved his left foot faward, and took off with his right. He rotated 2 and a half times in the air, and landed in his right foot. He jumped a 2 1/2 axel. Something I could never do. I stopped skating and took my eyes to his direction.

"Okay Jack, I get it. Your a better skater than me." I said.

He grabbed both my hands, and forced me to skate with him. He let go of one of my hands, and we both glidded across the ice. I just wanted my questions awnsered, so I pulled on his hand and took control. Though my intention wasnt to keep on skating. I pulled him out of the ballroom and into my bedroom. We sat at the edge of the bed.

"Jack please tell me skating was not your secret." I say.

"Promise me you wont freak out!" He exclaimed.

I nodded. He let go of my hand and stood up on the floor, with his staff gripped. His both hands stiffened, and white snowflake began to form. He didnt let go of the staff, and made it grow bigger. Hhe smiled, and let the snowflake burst into the room, creating a flurry.

"Elsa your not the only one." He said with a smile.

This whole time I thought, he was one of those poeple afraid of my power when actually hes the same as me. I tried shutting him out for his own protection, when he could protect himself. Thats what makes him different from my parents, Arendelle and ANNA.

"You have no idea, how many questions I have for you." I said with a deep sigh.

"Ask away!" He exclaimed.

I laughed a little, but hid my smile with one hand infront of my mouth. What would I ask first? Should I ask him about my fire powers? Or why hes following me? No that would be rude. Maybe I could ask him politely.

"I was wondering, Why where you at my coronation?" I tried to ask. Now that I said it, I still sound a little rude.

"Elsa, where do I start?" He sighed.

He explained to me about his own world, and the guardians that held it together. He was the guardian of Snow, fun and happiness, and because he was a guardian he was immortal. Before he was a guardian, he was a human like everyone else, with parents and a sister to protect. His journey as a guardian brought him fustration, because at the beginning he didnt know who he was when he was mortal. Normal mortals couldent see him, Because they didnt know who Jack Frost was.

"Wait Jack! How is it possible I could see you, if I didnt know you excisted?" I asked.

"As an ice spirit yourself, believing in the human ability of having ice powers is good enough." He explained.

He then explained to me, about a dark spirit known as Pitch Black. His powers where mostly, minipulating the fear of a common person. Though he mostly liked to plunder the mind of the children. The pure hearted of them all. One single touch of his hand, could keep children with fear for the rest of their lives. As for one of the jobs of a dear guardian, Sandman is to keep the children with beautiful dreams. He used his golden sand to keep the children asleep, but Pitch triggered the dream with his own dark sand.

The part that Pitch mostly hated, about the minipulation of childs dreams was when the children grew up, they stop believing in him. A guardian looses power, every time a child stops believing in them, and thats exactly the same consept Pitch has to go through. The difference is that the childrens parents constantly tell them the boogey man doesent excist. For the guardians, parents believe as long as children believe, their childhood is still pure.

The guardians defeated Pitch, not long ago. When the guardians, and the man in the moon, also known as 'Manny' found out about Pitch's return. He then chose Jack Frost as the next guardian. Though Pitch hated the guardians, he felt lonely and longed for his family, the same way Jack did, and thought he could manipulate him. Then after a while, he tried to bring Jack into his team, and kill him.

"You see the reason im here, is because. . . Pitch is back, and his first target is You."

(A/N) sorry for the shortest chapter ^-^ Thanks to all of you Jelsa fans out there for reading this story, I send all of u valentines ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

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