Chapter Six: Imprison, and Hearbreaks

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(Jack's P.O.V)

I hear a ringing noise, that hurts my ears horribly. I was next to Elsa on a metal ground. There was only a bit of light, coming out of a window but I observed it. It was cold in the room, and I had never felt cold bother me before. Elsa was still laying on the hard ground, asleep.

I got up, and walked to the window, but I was tugged by a chain and shackles, holding my wrist.I pulled and pulled, trying to walk to the window. It didn't work, and my staff wasn't here besides me. The cold irritated me, and I noticed my sweater had plenty of rips and holes, caused by Elsa's attacks. I couldn't let myself free, and my powers where different to Elsa's.

I breathed heavily, and I could see my own breath in the air. My bare feet where freezing cold and I started gettiing goosebumps. I turned to look at Elsa, as she slept peacefully. Her hands where also shackled to the wall, but her whole hands where concealed by metal

I tried pulling and pulling once more and pushed my feet as far as I could. I was in front of the window, but in a really harsh position. It hurt my wrist and I had to turn in a harsh direction. I examined, the outside of the window and there was mostly snow, snow, snow and more snow. The air was filled with snowflakes and there was a harsh wind. I didn't know snow could be so horrible.

I heard the, bang of the shackles hit the ground as Elsa tried to get up. Her first expression was placed towards her shackles. She was surprised and upset. Her eyes where electric blue, instead of her sea blue. Her shackles started freezing with snowflake patterns.

She was trying to break them, by freezing them but I knew there was no use in that. She pulled herself forward and took a glimpse at me. She kept on struggling to free herself but the same as me, there was no use.

    "Elsa stop struggling, where stuck here." I said.

I had a glimpse inside of me, telling me not to give up but I knew deeply inside there's no point in struggling. And to think I actually thought everything would actually be okay, and I could defeat Pitch again. I didn't want to seem weak in front of Elsa but I've tried, and ended up almost being almost killed by her.

    "Where are we?" She asked

   "I think where in the Kingdom cell." I said, trying not to look back at her.

I heard the cell door crackle a bit, and turned towards it. There was nothing. Elsa seemed to put her attention to the door as well. I wanted to tell her, that everything will be fine, but she isn't dumb enough to believe that

     "Jack I'm sorry, this is all my fault." She said with tears roaming down her face.

It hurt me to see her give up. I know I want to give up as well, but I realize there's people falling because of us.  There's people who think that the fjord will stay an eternal winter, and they will die of cold. But when someone has a way to stop it, they can't give up.

That's when something hit me. Doesn't Elsa have the ability of fire? She can melt her shackles and mine in the process. But its not her ability. I thought she changed personalities when she's in a negative mood, how come she hasn't changed?

     "Elsa how come your evil side hasn't controlled you yet?" I asked.

     "Jack I don't know!" She said, harshly as she froze the chains.

I started pulling on the chains even harder, and my wrist started feeling more pain, but I didn't care. I kept on pulling. I felt blood flowing through the inside of the shackles, and the grip just made it hurt even more.

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