Chapter Four: Why Me?

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(Elsa's P.O.V)

I stood on the solid ground, in shock. I was scared that the most feared villian is after me. I knew how this power change worked now. If im not mistaken, whenever im in a negative mood it attacks me. I think shock is a negative mood.

My chest started to rise, with heat. It attacked my cold straingth. I placed both hands on my chest and I toppeled to to the ground. I felt my hands overheating.

"JACK RUN!" I screamed with the last cold dignity I had. He obeyed and walked out of the room.

"JACK GET BACK HERE!" My own voice screamed.

I ran through the castle, throwing fire around the carved walls and floors. I try to fight my arms by trying to replace it with the cold. I couldent even if I try. Its too strong for me. It felt like everytime I struggle to gain control, it was harder. I was practically ruining my own castle.

I saw Jack inside the ballroom, and glided my way inside. He had his staff in his hand and a perky smile apon his face. I expected him to leave the castle, run away but he didnt.

"You really think you can beat me Jack!" I screamed, or at least I think I screamed.

I colided my hands together and started spiraling them in circles. My hands where heating up and scorching flames started forming. After filling up the whole pile of fire, I finally threw it and pointed it towards Jack. He created a sheild of ice infront of him, and the scorching flames melted it.

"Ive Had enough of you, using your powers against mine!" I screamed.

She started spiraling another ball of scorching flames, but this time with piles of black sand.

"You wont be able to escape from this!"

I threw the scorching flame against the ground, and it solemly hit Jack with force. He colided to the ground. Though it seemed he expected that move, because he created a flat shard of ice to land on, instead of the ground.

"Your Pitch Black!" He screamed at me.

I started to believe that. Who else is capable of throwing black sand against the ground?

"Oh Jack im worse than Pitch Black." She or I cackled.

She forced a Giant earthquake, that broke the walls into peaces. He got up to his feet and threw a shard of ice with his staff. It stopped in mid air and was forced to point back at Jack.

"Maybe you should stop playing games and leave!" I screamed.

He stood there shocked, and nothing seemed to happen for quiet a while.

"Elsa please I know your in there!" He said.

My arms swirled im patterns, and a sword was being made out of dark sand. I grabbed it with one hand and skated right towards him. I was about to hit him, and I was so afraid. I cant kill him! He moved his staff infront of the sword and the sword broke the staff in half.


He spoke to me telepathically. I wanted to awnser, and I put all the force in my head to do so. I really didnt want to hurt him, and I wanted him to know so.

Jack please help, I dont want to do this!

I spoke to him, telepathically.

Elsa I need you to calm down.

"SHUT UP FROST!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I shot myself towards him, and toppeled ontop of him with the sword in my hand. I was about to swing it over him, when he pushed me off. I tried to put enough concentration to awnser him once more.

Jack I cant! Please help, I cant let you die!

I wanted to cry, but really I had no control over my body so how could I do so?

Hang in there snowflake, I have an idea.

As much as I hated to admit it, I liked the way he called me snowflake.

I skated right behind him, and grabbed a hold of his hoodie. I pulled him to the ground and I was ready to swing my sword at him, when he got up.

"You in there snowflake?" He asked.

I tried to smile but I couldent, and I just stood there. He came to my direction and gave me a hug. I didnt fight back and I let him hug me.

I felt myself gain control once more, and he finally let go. I started feeling

tears roaming down my face and started crying. I really dont want to hurt anyone. and I was afraid of the beast inside of me. I fell to the corner of the room and started sobbing.

(Jack's P.O.V)

I watch her cry, and seeing those tears roam down her face made me feel horrible. I sat at her side trying my best to comfort her.

"Elsa, I." I hesitated, I really didnt know what to say.

"Its okay, Jack I know im a monster." She said, rubbing one tear out of her eye. "I think you should go. Its getting dark."

I never really thought about, where I was going to sleep. I didnt even have an idea where.

"Uh Elsa, could I stay here for the night?" I asked bluntly.

"You have no place to stay, do you frost." She said with a smile replacing her tears.

She stood back on her feet, and rose her hands up high. She swirled her hands around the walls, to make them stronger and bolder and fixed the floors. She finally made a cristal blue bed, in the middle lf the empty room. She closed the door behind her and walked out.

I grabbed the two peices of the staff infront of the door and examined it. Pitch broke my staff once, if I could fix that I could fix this. I placed the two peaces together, and they fit like two puzzle pieces together. They finally started to glow, as the peices reunited as one.

I removed the covers of the bed and placed them intop of me.Tommow will be another battle and I have to rest. I close my eyes and let sleep take me away.

A\N I think this might be the shortest chapter I've ever written. ^o^ FYI whenever Jack seems to talk to Elsa telepathically she seems to calm down and that's the key to her turning back to normal, and the more she struggles to turn to normal, the more power the person controlling her gets. Next chapter will give u a little hint to whos controlling Elsa ^-^


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