Chapter 12

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I woke up, my eyes was still blurry and I saw a man beside me, I rubbed my eyes revealing Jungkook.

"Good morning, princess" He said sweetly

"Why are you here, mom might know!" I said

"I already said it to your mom and she agreed that I can be your boyfriend" He said. I hugged him happily.

"Jinja? I can't believe it" I said, he kissed my forehead.

"Hey get up, were gonna be late for school" I got up and did my morning routines.

At School
As we enter a group of girls approach us.

"Hey Oppa, Is she your new toy?" She smirked at me

"No" Jungkook said. She gasped of what she heard.

"Oppa Don't act stupid, I know your attitude" she said

"No I'm not, so please get out of the way cause me and MY GIRLFRIEND is gonna be late for class." He emphasized the word "my girlfriend" to the group of girls.

We walked past by them. Many were looking at us, it makes me uncomfortable cause I'm not used to it.

"Yow Jungkook-ah nice toy you've got there" a boy said while smirking at me.

"Oh she's not my toy, so please stop staring at her or I will get you eyeballs" He said while glaring at him.

The boy back off and we start walking again to class

At Class
We made it on time and the class started soon.

I felt someone is staring at me. I saw Jungkook staring at me with those seductive eyes.

"What?" I asked him, he bit his lip

"Why do boys like you so much?, babe" he said while playing with my hair, I grabbed his wrist and glared at him telling him to stop.

"Cause I'm beautiful" he smile faded

"O may ghad its so windy outside" I hit him playfully, he laughed at my reaction, I glared at him and got back to the lessons

At Lunch
We are now currently eating with his hyungs.

"Y/N if Jungkook hurts you tell me" Taehyung said, I nodded

"Hyung why would I hurt her? When she's the girl I've been looking for" he winked at me and I blushed

Taehyung stood up and grabbed Jungkook by his wrist and dragged him somewhere.

I just finished my lunch and go to my next class

Jeon Jungkook POV
Taehyung dragged me to the open area of the school

"What is wrong with you, hyung?" I said to him

"Oh don't act nice and sweet to Y/N cause I can see it its all fake" I scoffed

"Bro I know you just like her, maybe If you'll stay away from us it will be more good" I said to him

"Jungkook for once stop your playboy attitude for her, cause she's one of a kind girl that you can't just find in this world, all the girls you dated at first they are sweet but when times go by they act like bitches and whenever a girl comes to you they beat her up, so if I were you take care of and not let her go" Taehyung said and he left me there just standing alone.

I go to the rooftop the words of Taehyung said its all true that all the girls I dated are bitches, They just want me for fame, so that's why I just played with them. I did not noticed that There's a girl on the corner

I approached her

"Hey what are you doing here?" She lifted up her head revealing my babygirl

"What did you two talk about?" I smiled at her and sat beside her

"Nothing much but why are you ditching your class?" I asked

"Cause I was waiting for you" she said

"I Love You so much" I said sweetly to her

"I Love you more" she said and kissed my cheeks, We got up and started going home since we ditched the last class.

At Home
I arrived at home safely, Jungkook just dropped me off

I was suprised mom isn't at home, well what do I expect another business trip.

I just eat ramen and brushed my teeth

I laid to my bed and started drifting off to my dreamland.



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