Dreams - 2

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Alison's eyes opened and she found herself sitting in the rocking chair that was situated near the window in the nursery. The room smelled clean, no longer was it dusty and dreary. The cat peered at her from behind the bed and walked over to the wall and looked up. There were photos on the wall of James as an infant, then a toddler, a school-age boy with a tooth missing, a handsome young man suspended in the air by a single rope, his lithe body in the shape of an X and grinning wildly. And finally, a framed newspaper clipping of the young man she knew in a sharp black suit, standing between two very proud parents, as he held up a commemorative plaque before him. Alison looked at the photo and saw that there was a date on the paper that hadn't happened yet.

This was a new development; she hadn't seen anything from the future in the house before.

All of her hair on her entire body stood on end when she heard whistling and then a voice raised in song, "If I only had a brain," it sang out.

The cat circled her legs and she picked it up and carried it with her.

"Alison..." it sang out. "Allll-i-ssssonnnn....I'm coming to you..."

"You can't hurt me," she called out.

"Oh, but I can. I can, but I won't. I love you too much..." the voice said.

She turned a corner and found herself face to face with the Clown.


The cat hissed and she dropped the cat to the floor of the corridor and stared at the clown. She'd only been this close to it once before and she felt like she barely got away. This time however, she reached up and pulled at the curly red hair, to remove what she thought was a wig.

"OWWW!" The clown backed away. "That hurt! What did you do that for!"

"Who are you," Alison said walking forward, heading directly for it.

"I'm you," it said and pointed a gloved hand at her and touched her chest bone.

She shook her head. "No you're not me. You're a liar!"

"Fine. You're so smart then, who the bloody hell am I then?"

"I don't know, but you're someone else...not me!"

The clown nodded. "That's right my darling girl. But you're not smart enough to figure me out yet!" It laughed an turned away and skipped down the darkened corridor.

Sebastian's wolf-hybrid walked up behind her, then moved past her to follow the clown, sniffing the floor for it's scent. She felt the cat at her ankles again, and picked it up and nuzzled it, finding comfort in it's purring.

Finally, up ahead of her, she heard a yelp and then a muffled thud. Then silence.

And she opened her eyes.


The bedroom was dark and she was sitting up in bed, trying to make heads or tails of the dream. Sebastian groaned and rolled over and she looked over in his direction, unable to make him out.

"Are you okay?"

"I've a splitting headache, but yeah. I'm otherwise, okay," he replied. "I shouldn't do this half drunk," he replied.

"Did you get anywhere?"


She sighed. "Okay. Try to get some sleep then? I've a busy day tomorrow and I'd like your help?"


He curled up around her and settled his head on her shoulder. Moments later, she heard his breathing even out...he'd fallen back to sleep.

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