Chapter 1

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Real quick author note its gonna be in Elsa's point of view. Ok let's start. Chapter 1,

 I ran through the forest trying to escape Arendelle. I did it before and I thought I had my powers under control, but my emotions still have a effect to them. I ran trying to get away. I was in my coronation outfit, because Anna and I were about to leave for Corona. Rapunzel invited us to come and visit. I was so nervous my room was freezing over. When I opened my door to go out to leave the halls had frozen over as well. So I ran. I ran past the trading oaks, then a tree branch cut my arm. I covered my cut and kept running. I remember Anna yelling after me as I left "Elsa, please no! Don't go!" That's when I got to far to hear her. I got to my ice castle and went inside. I cleaned my cut up. "That must hurt." I heard a dark voice say. I turned to a man in a dark long black clothing. He chuckled at me. "Oh Elsa. Don't look frightened you knew me when you were a child." I recognized him he would come in my room and laugh at my fears. "No! Your not real!" I yelled at him. He stepped toward me. "Oh really? Is this real?!" He threw something that seemed like dark sand. It formed Anna and I. It was when we were children. "Anna wait! Slow down!" Anna jumped. I slipped and tried to save her, but hurt her. "It's ok Anna Im here for you." The ballroom freezes over. My parents came in as the memory faded from his magic. "Oh Anna! I am so sorry." The man laughed at me. "What do you want from me?!" He circled around me. "I want a deal." I shook my head. "What kinda deal?" He played with his magic. "If you want your sister to be safe from me your going to pay a small price." I wiped my face from the tears. "What is the price?" He smiled and grabbed my arm tightly. "Your going to take care of someone for me!" 

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