Chapter 9

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"Some one stop me! Please!" I begged. I cried as I held a dark magic sand sword above my head. I was about to kill Jack. I cried as I swung at him. I then flew into a wall, someone pushed me. Thank god. I looked up to see Toothless confused. I heard Pitch behind me yell, "Kill them, kill them all!" I felt the magic force me to stand up.
I tried to fight against it I didn't want to do this. If I hurt anyone, I won't be able to live with myself. Hiccup dragged Jack away from me. While Rapunzel, Anna, and Merida got in to position to battle. I fought against his magic. I could hear Jack screaming from his nightmare. I tried to control at least my voice.
"Hiccup! Hiccup!" I yelled. Hiccup looked at me and stood in front of Jack. "You need to....ahhh.....get Jack' to kiss...him." I managed to get out. Hiccup looked at Jack and back to me. "He's never been in love!" Hiccup yelled. I frowned. Dang it! How do we free him?
Oh my gosh I'm an idiot. If Pitch's magic caused this, it can undo it. I just need to fight off his control. I was still struggling to keep away from Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida, but I need them to knock out Pitch long enough for me to free Jack.
I turned to them and managed to say "Get Pitch!" They nodded and moved. Rapunzel through her frying pan and Pitch just shot it back. Anna through a graveling hook which got him caught on the wall. Merida shot an arrow pinning him to the other side. Mean while Rapunzel grabbed her frying pan and knocked him out.
I got back control and started to undo the spell hoping it would work. Sadly it only transferred the power to him. Ugh! Can't catch a brake!!! He stood up now in a purple hoodie and black pants.
He had dark sand circling him. He grinned evilly. "Jack?" Hiccup spoke. Jack turned to him and threw him with his new dark sand. Pitch had woken up and grinned. "Jack my friend," Pitch started; "don't waste time on them right now let's train then give you a real task." Jack nodded and disappeared with Pitch into the darkness.
Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, Anna, and I headed back in the Ice castle to gather what all had just happened. I sat on the stairs as the four of them argued over who's fault it was. I zoned out thinking about how stupid I was to think I could have saved him. While my friends are arguing over who's to blame, I'm here knowing it's me. I'm such a fool.

*time skip*

It's been a little over a year and a half since Jack, well dark Jack, disappeared with Pitch. We haven't seen any sign of them and we're worried sick. Hiccup and Toothless head out each night searching at the beginning. Eventually it turned to them leaving weeks at a time.
Merida's been riding through each town day after day hoping to find them. Rapunzel's been checking every abandoned tower, cellar, and cottage she can find. Anna's been seeing the Trolls for advice each day and no luck.
What have I been doing? Nothing. Why? Because I'm a queen so I get the joy of running a stupid kingdom instead of saving someone I put in danger. Thank you kingdom. If I could do anything, I'd be doing everything I can to find him.

I was walking down the hall to the library to do research on dark magic. Hiccup, Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida were out searching for them so I figured why not. I entered the library and found a book on dark magic. I sat at a desk and started to read.

After thirty minutes the windows blew open and the cold air blew in. I walked over and looked outside nothing. I closed the window and took my seat back at the desk. I turned the page and a piece of paper fell out.

I opened it, it was a picture I drew as a child. It looked a lot way!!! Pitch! How I only met him about two years ago. I flipped it over and some one wrote;

I want you to know he's only a dream. He only feeds of your fears. Remember what I taught you to believe in yourself. I know you can do it.

I stared at the note obsessively. I remember drawing this a little, but not who wrote this, let alone told me this. "Remember me yet?" I heard someone say darkly from behind me.

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