Chapter 4

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*In Berk* "Follow me." Jack motioned me to follow him out the trees. I started towards him. "So were gonna get help from my friend Hiccup." Jack told me. I thought to myself why does that name sound familiar? "There he is!" Jack yelled pointing at him. I stopped mid step, because right next to him was my other cousin....Merida. "I can't!" I turned to run, but I heard Merida yell "Elsa is that you?!" I tried to think of a way out, but couldn't. "" I turned slowly. "Did you try to lie to me?!" She sounded furious. "Yes..maybe." Merida started for me and I backed away. I saw Hiccup and Jack hold Merida back. I couldn't deal with this. So I ran.

I ran through the forest. I could here the three of them arguing, but didn't care what they were saying. I couldn't let Merida near me. I felt something around my shoulder grab me and my feet left the ground. "Wait what?!" I looked up and say a dragon carrying me. "Did you get her? If not Meridas gonna kill us!" The Dragon looked at me. It started to smile. It dropped me down in front of Merida. She walked to me. "So what's up?" She crouched down to me. I sighed. "I lost control again." She smiled. "It's ok." She hugged me and I hugged her back. When Hiccup landed his dragon he walked over. "So your Elsa?" I shrugged. "Yes." He held out his hand. "I'm Hiccup." I shook his hand and heard a voice behind me. "So am I missing something?!" Merida, Hiccup, and I all burst out laughing. "Jack, Merida and I are cousins." I laughed. He started to nod looking confused. Merida looked at me. "So what's going on you met, well.....him?" My smile started to fade as I realized I had to tell her Anna is in danger and for the first time in forever she's safe from me.

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