The lonely christmas night..... (edited)

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{Let's revise a few things.

P' or phi for elder
N' or nong for younger ones
Sawadee for 'Hello'
Khob Khun na for 'Thank u'
(Khap ending for men, Kha ending for women)
Khot hot for 'Sorry'}

It was the night of Christmas. The whole town was in a festive mood, the cars and the rooftops of the houses were all covered with snow. There was frost everywhere. Everyone was happy and cheerful with a company, either of friends, family or lover.

But here I was, all alone walking down George Street, trying to find a bar to enjoy the night.

The streets were lively even at this hour due since Christmas is a western festival. The atmosphere was warm but somehow still empty. I miss my Mae, Pór, my little sister May, and him.

It's so lonely here in America. Life in Canada isn't that good as I expected. My parents truly forced me to follow the crowd. It's purely a distinction move. But what could I say at that time, they just want what's best for me, right?

I miss everyone, but the one who I truly want here the most is my best friend, my p'Arthit.

I cherished him every day, every second in my memories. I miss how he used to tease me, how he could easily make me blush, and most importantly how he could make me happy in a second, no matter how bad the situation is. He never failed to cheer up my mood. Everyone can make you smile, but only a certain person can make you happy and he was that certain someone in my life.

It's been what I guess 3 years? since I last saw him. A sigh escaped from my mouth at the thought. It's been a while since I last saw those chubby cheeks, that smile of his and of course those cute antiques. I really treasure him a lot. But it's not like I'll ever tell him this. He's already so cocky and all.

But what can I do? I can't go there and he will never come here. It's just fate that could bring us together again. He calls me occasionally but I want to be with him, all day, all the time like we used to.

But he's not just my p'Arthit now, he's a celebrity, an actor, the most dashing Thai actor I must say.

My sky reaches for his earth, but does he know that? He is the one who completes me, but am I? Or am I.. really just another daily friend?

I miss him but does he? But I can hope, right? Hope that everything will turn out to be just fine.. And he also would have feelings for me. Cause at this point, I'm obsessed - for his love, for his attention, for his care..

And that's how I gulped whole three bottles thinking about our past and reminiscing about it..

Cheers to me, and this emptiness!

Author's note

Well I really don't know if u all will like it or not but.. I can hope right😋
I never planned on writing a fanfic but p'Sam said I should to improve my skills.
So this story is dedicated to ForeverTornWithTears.
I hope u like it p.
Have a great day, all the readers! And keep smiling forever!

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