Chapter 1

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"Now boarding flight 211" the muffled voice alerted passengers three more times before boarding. I walked stiffly through the gate and onto the plane. I don't want to move. I don't want to make new friends. I don't want to leave behind memories and my home. What can I do about it though?

Mom let me take the window seat. I appreciated it, but still I refused to be happy or talk to her. Settling in, I carelessly tore through my bag pulling out headphones. My plan was to listen to music and sleep the whole way there. Mission accomplished.

19 hours and 45 minutes later we landed in nearest airport in Colorado. My mom got a job transfer here. So I had to say goodbye to my life in Michigan. Still tired, I stumbled out of the plane and airport. It was about 4am and I was sore.

"Welcome to Colorado sweetie!" Mom was excited to be here and wanted me to be too. I sighed and crossed my arms. Rolling her eyes "Well let's eat breakfast." She said. I definitely didn't disagree to that.

Mom took me to a Starbucks and got me my usual. A medium Carmel frappé with extra whipped cream, and a brownie. What can I say? I love Starbucks. I think mom was hoping that would lighten me up. I didn't want to ruin her morning so I started up a conversation.

"What town did we move to again?" I said sipping my frappé. "Oh you'll love it Riley! It's this cute little neighborhood called um.....hmmm." I take out my phone and look at the clock. It's only 5:03am now. "Oh!! Littleton!" Mom squealed.

After we ate, mom drives us further into Colorado. Of course, I slept some more in the car.

Two hours later mom gently wakes me up by rubbing my shoulder. "Sweetie we're almost there." Yawning and moaning, I try to wake up and get my stuff together. Usually I wake up at 10:30, so it's unusual for me to be up this early. About 15 or 20 minutes later we arrived in Littleton.

It was actually pretty and clean. We drove around until we found our street and address. Clumsily, I plopped out of the car and dragged my bags to the door. While mom searched for the right key, I kind of took a glance around. I noticed one of our neighbors had a big white van parked in their driveway. Our other neighbor had a really nicely trimmed lawn with flowers around the outskirts.

When mom finally found the right key we dragged everything inside. The house reeked of paint and cleaning chemicals. Although it was a good size. I'd say probably for a family of 5 or 6. Only, it was just mom and I... well and our dog that my grandpa is bringing to us from Arizona tomorrow. We had Cooper stay with my grandparents when we visited, so that my grandpa could just drive him up here so he doesn't have to fly.

Mom says our furniture will be here in 3 days. So until then we will sleep on air mattresses. I play guitar and the piano, I just don't have my guitar or keyboard here. Mom wants me to go to this performing arts school. I don't mind, I think it actually sounds fun. Except the fact that I have no friends. Obviously mom has forgotten what it's like to be a teenager, she thinks I will make friends in no time. She has lost her mind.

• • •

The next day:

9:32 am

"Sweetie wake up, guess who's here?" Mom sat on the carpet and stroked my face. "Ugghhh mom!" I dramatically sat up. "Grandpa's here" she whispered. Instantly I snapped awake and ran to the empty family room. "Cooper!!!" I screamed with delighted as my 5 year old Border Collie jumped into my arms. I held onto him for at least 5 minutes. After all I haven't seen him for a whole month.

This dog, is my oxygen.

Tears ran down my face as I put Cooper down and ran to my grandpa. Surprisingly, he could lift me up and squeeze me tight. My grandpa gave Cooper to my dad when he was a puppy and we loved him to death.

Two years ago my dad died in a car accident. My dad and I shared a special relationship with him. Cooper is the best dog in the world. We were my dad's best friends. My dad told me before he died, he wanted me to take care of Cooper and he would become my new best friend. Ever since then, Cooper is my everything.

Grandpa took us out to lunch later that day. We laughed and talked about dad. Then we said our goodbyes to grandpa, and he headed back to Arizona. Mom and I hadn't had that much fun in a long time. It was nice to laugh and smile again. Suddenly I became excited for this new life. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

New girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora