Chapter 3

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BBQ with the Lynch's

I tossed and turned throughout the night. Cooper could tell I couldn't sleep. He jumped off my bed and grabbed his leash in his mouth. Slowly, I crept out of the house. 1:30am my phone nearly blinded me with its light. I lead Cooper to the park, so we could walk around. I went in and on "Maybe his name is Josh, hmmm no he's more of a Kyle. What'd you think Cooper?"

Cooper tilted his head like I was crazy. "Yeah, you're right, he seems like a Tyler." "Or maybe his name is Riker." a voice said from behind me. It scared me so much I almost peed my pants. I turned around to see him sitting on a bench. The mystery boy I saw this morning was right there!

Cooper barked and ran towards him ripping the leash from my hands, pulling me to the ground. Cooper jumped up on him and started licking him. When "Riker" saw me on the ground, he jumped up and ran to me. G

"Sorry did I scare you?" He picking me up. "Uh yeah a little bit" I mumbled. "So uh what did you say your name was?" "Oh I'm Riker Lynch" he smiled. "and you must be bunny slippers."

"Haha um yeah, I mean no...I'm Riley" I said embarrassed. "Did you uh, follow me here?" I stared at his perfect face. "Haha no no, this is where I come when I can't sleep. To clear my thoughts." he said smiling bright. "And I like your dog by the way."

"Thanks. I like him to. Cooper. That's his name." Cooper calmed down and sat near me. "And you're related to Ross and Ry... Ryel??"..."Oh Rydel?" he laughed. "Yep, they're my younger siblings. Ross is 13, Rydel is 15. I'm 17." "Cool I'm almost 17." I said smiling.

"So do you have siblings?" Riker asked.

"No, just me and my mom. and Cooper of course" I said "What about your dad?" he added. "He's um... dead." I said looking at the ground. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." he said biting his lip. "No it's ok. How could you've known? It's fine." I smiled which I think made him feel better.

"What about you? have any siblings?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Yeah I have 3 brothers and a sister. Plus our best friend that practically lives with us." he said smiling "Cool! I'd love to meet the rest of them sometime" I said back. "Well aren't you coming over tomorrow? for the BBQ?" he asked.

"Oh! Right! Yeah ok, tomorrow." I picked up Coopers leash. Riker shook my hand, smiled and said "It was very nice to meet you, Riley!" His hand was nice and warm. Definitely a hand holding hand. "It was nice to meet you too Riker." We walked home together, talking about whatever we thought about.

When we got to my door step I stopped and turned to him. "Thanks for walking me home." I said shyly. "You're very welcome new girl!" he said playfully. "Goodnight Riker" "Goodnight new girl" Riker said laughing, the he bowed and walked home.

Once Cooper and I got inside. I ran right into my room and jumped in my bed. "Tomorrow awaits" I whispered

• • •

7:00 am

I jumped out of bed and got in the shower. 10 minutes of singing and cleaning later...

"Sweetie up so soon?" mom said to me as I sat down at the table. "Yep!" I smiled. Mom handed me a bowl off cereal and some OJ. I gulped everything down within 2 minutes. "DING DONG" our doorbell rang. I skipped to the door unaware that I was still wearing nothing but a towel.

I swung open the door to see Ross my neighbor. His eyes lit up when he looked at my choice of clothing. Still unaware of the towel.. "Oh hey Ross" I said happily "Haha did you just get out of the shower?" he said smiling. Slowly I looked down and saw what I was wearing. "OH MY GOSH! PLEASE EXCUSE ME ROSS. MOM! ITS FOR YOU!" I screamed running to my room.

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