Chapter 2

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Day 1


The sound of a moving truck woke me up. Sleepily, I rolled off my air sack and put on my bunny slippers. I know bunny slippers are childish, but I didn't have my other shoes unpacked yet. My hair was a mess but I didn't really care at this point, so I just slipped on my hoodie and went out the door.

Mom was already out there talking to the mover guys. She came over and hugged me, then went back to talking to them. I looked over at our neighbor with the van's house. I completely froze when I saw a tall blonde boy staring at me. He looked about my age and let me tell you, he was cute!

I saw him glance down at my bunny slippers and smile. My cheeks turned bright red, and my palms started sweating. He walked to his mailbox and pulled out some envelopes. Before going back into his house he looked at me and waved goodbye.

Still frozen I awkwardly smiled. When he was gone, I face palmed myself and ran inside. I've got to find out who he is! I couldn't get his smile out of my head. He was a tall, blonde with brown, messy haired, teen.

As the mover guys started bringing in boxes and furniture, I ripped through my suitcase searching for a decent outfit. All I really ever wear are ripped skinny jeans and a T-shirt. So I just through on my cleanest shirt and favorite jeans.

30 minutes later I finished my makeup and curled my hair. As usual I wear my favorite light blue converse. Slipping my feet in I noticed a breeze. "Oh no!!!" I screamed. There was a huge tear in the side of my right shoe! I don't know how, but I needed new shoes.

After complaining to mom for 5minutes I finally got her to say she'll get me a pair. Mom made me put all the dishes in our cabinets and help arrange the living room. Finally the movers brought in my bed frame and mattress and dresser, etc. I had the second biggest room in our house, of course my mom had the master bedroom. I had my own bathroom and a closet just like mom!

When I was done deciding where to put everything, I eventually made up my mind to buy some stuff. My room was still kind of empty and plain, but I saved up money for decor. Mom was getting in the shower when I told her I was going to walk around the neighborhood. All I had was my bunny slippers and some boots, so I slipped into the old black leather boots. Quickly, I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.

It was a nice, breezy day. I glanced over to see if that mystery boy was outside. I didn't see him or anyone outside. So great! I got all cute for nothing!

I checked my phone to see what time it was: 10:45 am. I decided to walk around the neighborhood and see what I would be living with. All the houses were nice looking, on the outside anyway. I noticed and sign that pointed to a small park.

With nothing else to do, I walked to the park. The smell of freshly clipped grass filled the air. Only a few people were there, mostly old people who get up early. This would be a great place to take Cooper. After finding a bench, I sat down and pulled out a granola bar. Birds were chirping, sun in my face, someone yelling "Watch out!"- wait what? I looked up just as a this boy lost control of his skateboard and crashed right into the trash can in front of me.

Surprised, I jumped up and ran to help him. He was actually kind of cute. I quickly helped him up. Concerned, I shouted "Are you ok!?" He nervously rubbed dirt off his jeans"Woah, you're cute- I mean um" he stuttered. A little giggle escaped my mouth. "The names Ross Lynch" he said smiling. "I'm Riley" I giggled. "Now, are you ok?" "Ye-" Suddenly he was cut off by a blonde girl that looked about as old as me "Ross! are you ok!!?" she yelped. "Ugh Rydel I'm fine" he murmured.

"This is Rydel, Rydel this is Riley." Ross smiled at me. Rydel looked at me and smiled. "Hi Riley, so you're the new girl?.. sorry, our new neighbor...aren't you!?" Confused, "I um, I think so. Are you the ones with the white van?" "Yep. Oh uh and Rydel is my older sister!" Ross said excitingly. "Well it's nice to meet you, and uh, oh I got to go. See you soon maybe?" I said nervously.

They both smiled and waved as I walked away. That was so awkward. Thinking to myself, "hmm so that cute boy I saw this morning must've been their brother?" When I got home Cooper greeted me at the door. I gave him a treat and went to the living room. "How was the park sweetie?" mom said putting on her shoes. "um it was fine" I walked into the kitchen.

Mom came in and grabbed her purse. She looked me"Well, ready to go?". I nodded and walked to the car. It was a short drive to town. We had a small market and a Walmart. I didn't see any of the shoe stores I was used to. All I found was a : Harry's Shoe House.

Mom dropped me off there and then went to Walmart. I have an hour before she'll pick me up again. So I can look around. I stopped by the shoe house first. It smelled like dirty socks and cheeseburgers. A few minutes of searching for converse went by. I found none whatsoever. A worker there said I have to order them online. So I kept looking for anything cute.

Finally, I found a cute pair on black ankle boots with studs on the sides. Luckily they were on sale so I got them for 30 bucks. I decided to walk around more and check out some other stores. I ate at subway then looked at a music store. They had tons of cool records, guitars, drum sets, pianos, bass', music, etc. I loved this store.

Mom picked me up later at a Barnes and Noble. After going to a couple different stores, we eventually went home. We unpacked, decorated, put away, cleaned, and rearranged everything for an hour or two. For dinner mom made Mac and Cheese. Then we watched Cook Off on our new flat screen.

Today was a good day. Everything was fitting into place. Of course I missed my friends though. I was getting into bed and called Cooper up with me when mom came into my room. "Goodnight sweetie. I love you" she whispered "'Night love you mom" She got up and turned my light off, but she stopped at the doorway.

"Oh and don't forget, tomorrow we are having a BBQ dinner with our neighbors. The Lynch's" I jolted straight up "WHAT!!??".......

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