Chapter 4

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Awkward accident

Blood dripped from my nose slowly. It felt like I was surrounded by the whole neighborhood. Mark and Rocky helped me inside to their couch. Mom wouldn't let go of my hand. I could tell she was gonna cry.
"Mom I'm fine!" I kept telling her. Riker came into the room with paper towels. I started reaching for them when he cut me off. "Here, let me" Riker gently wiped my face until I looked normal again. Finally my nose stopped bleeding. Everyone went back to the party. When my mom calmed down she went back to chatting with Stormie and Rydel came and sat with me.
"Are you ok Riley?" She asked. "I'm fine just a little light headed." I smiled.

Rydel and I went back out side to show everyone that I'm not dead. Ross and Ellington came over to us to make sure I was ok. I smiled and told them the same thing I told everyone. I saw Ellington glance at Rydel with a smile on his face. He noticed that I saw it and starting blushing. "well I'm glad you are okay Riley! Uh Ross we gotta go do that thing now." he said nervously. "What thin-" Ross started but Ellington grabbed his arm and tugged him inside. "That was weird" Rydel giggled. I winked at her and we walked away laughing.
It started getting dark outside so Mark started a campfire. Everyone gathered around, The boys rushed inside pulling Rydel along. "Where are they going?" I whispered to Ryland. He just smiled and told me to wait.

A couple minutes later, Rocky, and Riker came out with guitars. Followed by Rydel with a tambourine, Ratliff with a box drum and Ross with a small pink ukulele. They all sat down, Riker winked at me and started strumming his guitar. "Take me back to middle of nowhere, back to the place only you and I share. remember all the memories, the fireflies and make believes" Ross softly sung while strumming his ukulele. Rydel was smiling nonstop shaking her tambourine in a beat along with Ellington's. They all sung together in perfect harmony "So we're taking the long way home"
Swinging side to side, I looked up towards the sky just as a star shot by.
Tonight was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

A few more songs were sung, then people started leaving. Mom and Stormie hit it off really well, she took her back to show her our new house.
It was 10:30 before I left. Mom got a head start home, while Rydel and I said goodbye. I walked out the door happily. Today was awesome, besides the "nose accident". The door swung open behind me as I was walking away. "New girl! Wait up!" Riker ran to me. "My name is Riley." I said blushing. Riker grabbed my hand, freezing my body in its spot.
"I hope you're ok after the pool accident" he said still grasping my hand.
"I-im fine. Really."
"Okay good" he smiled at me.
"I-it was very nice to meet you Riker." I quickly kissed him on the cheek and walked away. Before I went into my house, I glanced over to see Riker standing there with a giant grin on his face.
• • •
"Well that was fun! Huh Riley?" Mom asked.
"Uh... yeah." I hugged her a went to bed.
"I just kissed Riker Lynch." I whispered to my self.

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