Chapter 5 - Finding Out The Truth

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Clark's POV
Sky, Thoren, Brandon, and Helia just came back from their morning jog. And Helia said, "Clark go and quickly get change because Claire is awake." "OK, wait for awhile. I'm coming." 5 mins later, I got everything changed and went out to the living hall. Then we head out to the hospital ward. After a while, we finally arrived at the hospital ward.

Helia's POV
We finally arrived at the hospital ward. Then the nurse said," You guys can go in Claire is awake." We all said, "Okay thxs." I begin to walk in the room then the others also begin to walk in too. And we walk to her bed. And I saw she is awake from far. I quickly ran to her and said, "Are you alright?" She replied, "I'm fine" with a smile. Then I said, "You really scare us." Claire replied, "I'm sorry I... I... just dunno what happened." the others and I replied, "Is alright as long you are fine."

Clark's POV
I'm still curious about Claire she had a sudden faint like I do the last time when I was freshman in high school when I bump into Lana she was wearing a necklace with a glowing green thing and I almost faint, but there is no glowing green around the people in the school. How and why did she faint??

Then I begin to say, "Hey Claire so what really happened that day?" Claire replied, "I'm not sure I suddenly I heard 10 miles away. Then I blankout..." Then I replied, "oh okay." I have feeling she have the same power as me. I said myself in my mind. I need to help and encourage her if some more signs are coming to her again but I can't confirm.

Claire's POV
Idk why I can hear 10 miles away... And... "Ahh" I scream Helia and the others look at me. And Helia rush towards me and said, "What's wrong are you feeling unwell or something?" I replied, "I suddenly see through some walls and also I see through people's body including y'all." Helia said the others, "We better find a cure for Claire and also... Before I continue to say something Clark cuts in. Clark said," I think I know what is going on Claire is not about the sickness that cause her that." Then Helia replied, "What cause her to made her in this stage." Clark continue, "She has powers like me." Then he continue, "I'm sure slowly you have a powers like me." I said, "How can this be?" I continue, my mom is a normal human and so as my dad."

Then my mom came in to the ward and walk towards me and said, "I got something to say to you that I should have told you before....."

... To be continued...

I'm sorry the chapter is short bcse Idk what to add on. 😅😅

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