Chapter Three

12 3 2

Year: 2020 (flashback continued)

The beast that now occupied Violet's body took another step towards me. All that was running through my head was "How? How could the Fae be effected by this? What exactly happens when one of us get infected?"

As if hearing my thoughts, Violet burst into action with the human monster on her tail. Both rushed towards me with unimaginable speed. My instinct finally kick in once they're a few yards away from me, teeth bared and blood covered hands outstretched.

Running back to my tree faster than I ever had, I take a peek over my shoulder. I was hoping my Fae speed would give me an upper hand, but it was futile. The human didn't have a chance even with his enhanced speed. Violet on the other hand, didn't seem to have an issue keeping up.

Finally, in the distance, I can see my tree. My safety... hopefully. Only a few more seconds and I'll reach home. As if knowing my intentions, Violet let out a horrifying scream and tried to gain as much distance on me as possible.

Throwing myself towards my tree, I all but faceplant into my home and quickly put my protective barriers into place.

Finally, I can relax to some extent. It was still hard to do with the sounds of Violet screaming and pounding outside. Tears start flowing down my face as the events of today start settling in. My whole life had taken a horrifying turn, throwing me into my worst nightmares.

I curl into a ball, feeling Violet throwing magic at my home. Wait...magic? She still has magic? No...

My eyes widen in realization. "They still have their magic after they turn."



Sorry for the short chapter. I'll make it up to y'all next time.

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