Chapter Nine

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Sorry about the delay with the update. My phone screen cracked and made half of my keyboard useless so I had to wait till I got a new one.

I may do a double update as a "forgive me" gift to y'all!

I hope you enjoy enjoy this chapter because we're bringing in some new characters! Woot!


"More survivors?!" I nearly scream out. The idea of seeing new faces excited me. It was nothing personal against Z, but after a prolonged period with the same person eventually felt similar to cabin fever. I was itching to hopefully make new acquaintances.

Thoughts flooded my head. Were they human or fae? If they happened to be fae, were they friendly or would they try to kill us on sight?

I'm sure we were both hoping they were at least friendly. "So what are we going to do? Should we go in an try to approach them?" I questioned.

"Maybe I should just go in and you stay out here and keep lookout." He pondered out loud.

I thought on his idea for a moment. I should probably be the one to go in. They might see me less as a threat and not try to attack.

"I should go." I stated. He gave me a curious look. "They might see you as a threat and kill you. I mean look at you. You're practically as tall as a tree!" I sputtered out.

A chuckle escaped him. "I'm not near being the tallest in my family and you think I'm as tall as a tree." He said as he let out another chuckle and shook his head.

That's really all he took from that?!

"My theory still stands." I huff out, annoyed. "You'll probably scare them and end up dead."

"Are you worried about me, dear Willa?" He asked with the darn smirk. I'm going to knock that smirk off his face one of these days.

"No." I snap. "I just know I have no chance of surviving out here without your help. If you die, I die. If I die, you'll be at no loss."

At my last sentence, he noticeably stiffened and his smirk faltered for a split second before snapping into place. "Well, if you insist. If something happens, yell for me."

I rubbed my hands together in excitement. "Ok. I'm ready to do this!" I mutter with a wicked grin. The adrenaline building up may have started effecting my brain.

Z took a step backwards and gave me an odd look. "Please don't ever do that again. I've never been more creeped out."

With a quiet cackle and another crazy look in Z's direction, I scurried around the back of the building. Once out of sight, I staightened up. That last little piece was for my amusement. The fact that I had creeped him out had tickled my funny bone.

As the back door of the building came into view, relief filled me. I was worried that the door would be closed and locked, but to my luck it was wide open.

Once I had built up my courage, I peeked my head in the door. My view was mostly blocked by shelves, but I could hear muffled sounds coming from deeper in the building.

Quickly, I shot through the door and ducked behind some shelves.
They were covered in flat boxes with pictures on them. They looked familiar but I couldn't place them. Scanning over them I spotted two people I recognized on the front of one of the boxes. They had been in one of the movies I watched years ago. Memories rushed all around me as I wished for those times again.

A loud thud snapped me out of my spell. Everything went silent, my senses on high alert. Whispering suddenly began somewhere in the distance. They sounded to be arguing, but I couldn't make out any words.

Silently, I creeped out from my hiding spot to move closer to the whispers. This place was like a maze of shelves, making it difficult to pin point exactly where they were.

As I sneaked through the shelves, I could begin to make out some of what was being said. A female voice was lecturing about having to be more careful and quiet. A male voice seemed to be more focused on what types of food to gather.

I knew they were right around the corner at this point. I crouched down and poked my head slightly around the end of the shelf.

I spotted the source of the whispers and took in their appearance. The female was about my height with long golden hair. The male was maybe 4 to 5 inches taller than me, maybe more.

He was hunched over a bit, lazily looking through the items left on the shelves. I didn't know how he could see anyway. His shaggy sand colored hair hung in front of his eyes.

From what I could tell, they were humans. As nice as it was to see other survivors, I was sad that I wouldn't be able to communicate with them. We can't ask them to join us on our mission. More like his mission. I'm just here for the ride and to help out when needed.

I ducked back behind the shelf and let out a quiet breathe I hadn't realized I was holding. I stood up to prepare to return to Z. I needed to tell him about thw humans and figure out what out next move was.

Before I can even move, there's something pressed to the back of my head. "Turn around." A deep voiced barked out. Tears begin pooling in my eyes at the thought of dying. I hadn't yet turned around when the two others came running around the corner with weapons of their own.

They looked me over as I turned around to meet whoever was behind me. The man behind me could have matched Z in height easily. If his silver blue hair and ice blue eyes hadn't given away his fae status, his sharp pointed ears did.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He growled out. His gun pointed straight between my eyes. If it weren't for the campers and their "target practice", I wouldn't know that death was staring me in the face. I've seen what they've done to those pieces of paper with red circles.

"I...I'm Willa..." I barely manage to stutter out. "Me and my friend just need food. Please don't kill me!" I fall to my knees and begin crying. I hadn't expected to fall apart like this in the face of danger, bur something about facing the end of life broke me down.

"There's someone else with you? Where are they?" Asked the female voice from behind me. A sudden realization made me sit up and turn around. She had heard me and she had looked at me. A human can see me. The fear of the gun that was mere inches from my head has left my mind.

How in the world can a human see me?


Willa finally met other survivors! Sadly, her encounter didn't go exactly as she had hoped.

What do you guys think of the new characters so far? Do you think they're going to be good guys or not?

Will the metaphorical shit go down? Will Z have to save Willa?

And what's the deal with the humans being able to see the fae?!

Tell me what y'all think!

The Faet of the WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin