Chapter Six

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"You really expect me to help you go against the New King?! You do know how he got to be the 'New King', right? Do you have a death wish?" I practically shriek at him.

"Of course I know how he came into power." He snapped suddenly, running his fingers through his hair. "And no I don't have a death wish, but I'll do anything for the chance to see my friends and family again. Wouldn't you?" He barely whispered the last part.

Instantly, I think of Violet. If she hadn't been infected, would I rush my life to save her?  Without a doubt, I know I would. She's gone though. There's no saving her.

"How do you know they're even still alive? They could be infected for all you know." I ask.

"I don't know, I only hope they are. I don't have anything better to do, anyway." He says with a voice of determination. "Do you have anything better to do?" He asks me with a smirk.

"Well...not really. But I don't want to die because you 'hope' other fae are alive." I sigh. "What are your plans anyway? You can't just rush in there and rescue people. The New King isn't going to just let you waltz in there without a fight."

He holds up a finger and reaches into his cloak, pulling out a book that looks like it was bound in the same bark as his skin. "This.." he says as he opens it "is every piece of information I've managed to find out about the New King's location."

He turns to a page with a crudely drawn map on it. Well I can see drawing is not his forte. I think to myself as I look over a picture of the USA. A dotted line makes it way from what would be Oregon to California.

I point to the line. "What's this?" I inquire.

"That's the general path I've been traveling." He states while I give him a flabbergasted look.

"You've walked that entire line? How long have you been out on your own?! I thought you were from maybe a state or so away. Not clear across the country! " I ask in disbelief.

"Eh...maybe a year or so. Not too long. It was worth it anyway. I had originally planned on heading out towards the east coast but changed my mind. I've gathered some clues to where the New King had taken survivors." He points to a red circle along the coast of Florida. "I overheard some of the New King's soldiers talking about taking captives to a holding station near some marshlands in Florida. Like I said, I planned to go straight out there, but ended up heading south. I hoped I would find some other fae to help. So far, I've only found you." He says with a smirk.

I keep myself from rolling my eyes. "Too bad you found the only fae content with staying far away from whatever madness the New King has in mind."

His smirk vanishes, swiftly replaced with a small frown. "You really won't help?" He asks, his voice laced with disappointment.

My stomach twists with guilt from the sound of his voice. I don't even know this guy but I feel bad for him. Thoughts go through my mind about how I would feel in his situation. What if Violet had been taken by the New King's
soldiers instead of being infected? Would I ask for a random stranger's help to increase my odds of rescuing her? I can't believe I'm even contemplating this. I internally growl at myself.

"Let me sleep on it." I finally sigh out, running my hands over my face. "I don't know your whole sleeping arrangement but make yourself comfortable." I say and motion my hand towards the trees around us.

I turn and walk towards my tree, ready to get away from the whole situation involving the stranger that just stumbled into my life. Just before I step inside, I turn my head back towards Zelé.

My eyebrow quirks up at the sight of him. He is simply sitting against the tree across from mine, eyes closed as if he's already fallen asleep. The only indication that he isn't asleep is a hummed tune.

Okaaaaay...he really is crazy. Just the idea of sleeping out in the open sends shivers down my spine.

"Hey. Be careful out here. You don't know when a zombie will come walking through." I call out to him.

His eyes open and peers at me. "Zombies?" He says with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "That's putting it lightly. But don't worry, I'll be fine. Nothing I haven't dealt with already."

I stare at him in slight shock. How is he so nonchalant about it? Forget sleeping, I'd be freaking out all night out here. "Well...goodnight then, Zelé." I say and turn back to my tree.

"Goodnight, Willa. And just call me, Z. I've never been a huge fan of my name." He calls out as I step inside.

As soon as I get cozy, my mind starts racing. I have to give him my decision in the morning but I'm torn. Do I stay in the relative safety of my forest or do I help save other fae? What would Violet want me to do?

After debating with myself for a good hour or so, I finally make my decision. I guess I'm going to help him.

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