Chapter 1 (Jackson Wang)

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"No, Please!" the Cantonese male screamed out, tears rolling down his face. He desperately clawed at the shadows holding him back, wanting to be free.

"Mom!" Jackson screamed out, watching his mother take another step closer to the edge of the cliff. With a cry of anguish, The male finally freed himself from the dark figures and ran to his mother as fast as he could. Unfortunately, he was too late, and his mother fell off, slowly plummeting to her death.


Jackson Wang woke up with sweat and tears all over his face. He tried to calm his breathing by counting sheep but that was a hack that his mom taught him, and thinking about his mom just made him sob harder. He missed his mother dearly and was reminded of his mom's death every time he looked at his wrist, reading 0:00.

His wrist-clock's special event was his mother's death. And no, his mom didn't die from falling off a cliff, she died in a fire trying to save her son, Jackson. To this day the brunette thought it was his fault that she wasn't alive now, but everyone knew it wasn't his fault. One of the pipes broke in their house causing a fire. Out of the 2 people living in the house, only 1 made it out alive.

Jackson took a deep breath, realizing that thinking was helping bring back his pulse to a normal level. Jackson's dad died before, but his death was the time on Mrs.Wang's wrist, so Jackson only had her left. After she died, all of his memories burned in the fire.

There was one exception, which was the necklace hanging around Jackson's neck. It was a Yin Yang, resembling that even though there is so much negativity in this world, the is something positive to balance it out. This is what his mom always said, and he believes in its every word.

Speaking of balance, after a couple days of grieving, another clock appeared on the Cantonese's wrist. This is not normal- all living things are supposed to have 1 clock, and he never heard of someone having two clocks. He looked over at his right wrist, another clock displaying a time counting down.

Like his mother said, he hopes this clock will be something good because he's had too much negativity and nothing positive to balance out.

  The Brunette wondered what it would be like if his second clock was his soulmate counter. A soulmate counter is when your clock counts down when you meet your soulmate. Some people say it's cliche but the Chinese male secretly thought it is really sweet.

  Jackson slowly fell asleep again, wondering what his soulmate would be like. With good thoughts in his mind now, he eventually drifted off into dreamland.

»»————- ★ ————-««

I hope you liked this chapter! This chappie is mostly about getting to know how the wrist clock works and Jackson's past. The ending might seem rushed but my computer died in the middle of writing and now I'm writing from my phone ;-;
Expect better content in the future, I am improving <3
Thanks for reading woohoo expect the next one to be better
Have a nice day y'all take care :3

Clocks|| markson. (mark x jackson)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant