Chapter 4

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"No please, I want more!" Mark yelled, desperately.

"No, you are not a good boy," Youngjae whispered in his ear, softly but sternly.

"No, please I'll do anything. I'll be a good boy," Mark pleaded, wiggling into the bed more.

"Will you? For me?" Youngjae said, slowly tearing the sheets off of the smaller boy.

"Yes, daddy!" Mark burst out laughing after seeing the shock from the younger's face.

"Dude, what the hell! I was simply waking you up but you had to make this sound like a porno." Youngjae rolled his eyes, completely tearing off the sheets from the bed and tugging the stubborn male out of the bed.

"Noooooo, let me sleeeeeep!" Mark dragged on as he was being pulled into the bathroom by his best friend. Mark huffed as he locked the door, making sure to slam it shut. After he used the restroom, showered, and brushed his teeth, he walked back into the bedroom that consisted of a sleeping Youngjae and what he was guessing to be what the boy picked for him to wear. Mark got dressed, pulling the over-sized pastel pink shirt over his head and slipping on his black-ripped skinny jeans. He looked over at Jae's outfit, noticing they contrasted a lot. Youngjae was dressed in a white tee with a black bomber jacket and black jeans. Mark let out an innocent smile, wondering how he and his bestie were so different but the closest of friends. Well... they are quite similar.

"NO! I'M SORRY! PLEASE STOP!" Youngjae screamed out, being woken up with smacks from a pillow. He saw Mark smile devilishly before the said male went back to hitting him with pillows. Being taller with a more muscular build, he pushed his attacker off him, finally breathing properly.

"BOYS, DO YOU WANT BOBA?" Grace Tuan, Mark's older sister yelled from the kitchen. The two said males looked at each other before dashing away. Mark pushed Youngjae into the wall to get there faster but Jae just pushed him back into the railing of the stairs. Both men practically sliding down the stairs, they finally made it to the kitchen in surprisingly one piece. Gace turned around at the loud commotion. Raising an eyebrow, she just giggles at the boys. After handing Mark Taro tea and Youngjae Strawberry tea she goes upstairs to give Joey, Mark's little brother some House tea. Jae raises an eyebrow as Mark snickers out of the blue.

"What's so funny, you ding dong?" Youngjae asks, still confused. Mark just bursts out laughing even more after hearing the dumb nickname his friend gave him.

"Why is a tough guy drinking strawberry tea?" Hearing this, Youngjae goes berserk.

"OI DING DONG IT DOESN'T MATTER TOUGH GUYS CAN LIKE STRAWBERRY FLAVORED THINGS!" The younger yelled as he was chasing Mark around the house. Too bad Mark was agile as he weaved his way upstairs.

"Woah, bro calm down," Joey said, peeping his head out the door, giggling at the sight of his bros being stupid. "You'll be late for school, idiots," Joey and Grace said at the same, looking at each other shocked, then proceeding to laugh afterward.

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Mark said defeatedly, then giving his sister and brother hugs. Youngjae followed after, giving Joey a noogie. "Have a good first day, Joey!" Mark wished his brother, Youngjae saying the same before Mark slipped on his black converse and Youngjae put on his Timberlands.

"You too guys!" After saying this, Joey and Grace watched the two boys run out the door, giggling their hearts away.

»»————- ♡ ————-««


comment here if you want 2jae


comment here if you want jj project

(as a ship teehee)

comment here if you wanna be shipped with a dude


comment here if you wanna be shipped with a girl

(you'll be featured in my story teehee)


   Yay! I really wanted this to be longer but it already took super long to finish anyway... I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you stick around to the next one! I promise, I now have more time to focus on writing and I have a crap ton of support and motivation. Please vote on this owo I love Y'all a lot <3 okie thanks baiiiiiii キタ━━゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚━━ ッ ! ! !

PS I actually spend a lot of time researching about the characters personal life so all the facts will be accurate (except I have no clue what boba they like :/) so please don't get mad if I take long to update because a lot of the time is spent s̶t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶   researching :33 okie bai now!

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