insignificant (but appreciated)

105 3 1

AN: this is almost the final part!! I know it was originally only a 4-part story, but I had a lot of inspo you go! Thank you all for 100 reads! I know they mean nothing to the bigger pages, but I just started writing fanfiction this year, and the reads mean so much, you have no idea. A lot of music inspired this chapter; World War 3 by Ruth B; Spring Day by BTS; Polygraph Eyes by Yungblud, and Fall, by Sasha Sloan. Again, thank you for the reads! Leave a comment and a vote if you enjoyed it!


It's the small things that matter.

It's the way Jin makes him his favorite foods, and tells him especially bad jokes, wraps him in blankets and love, listens quietly when Jimin just needs to yell his frustrations at the world. Jin is so sure of himself that it's comforting to Jimin. The sun may stop shining, but his eldest hyung will never stop being handsome.

Yoongi, stoically supporting him, all while pretending he isn't, like giving him water without looking at him, or surprise gifts when Jimin feels especially down. It's in the way he looks at his younger friend, the way he just understands  the anger and confusion, the drowning days, the cloudy days. It's cool green tea and crackling fires, warm beds and pouring rain.

Taehyung's hugs and affection, but more muted, softer, on the days he knows Jimin doesn't feel good. It's attempting to teach him how to play Overwatch, laughing and trying to help as Jimin kills his character over and over again, and sharing the moment together, or not at all. It's animals and plushies, untainted love, stars and clouds, cherry cola and a shared blanket. It's agape, love for everyone, and everyone loves themselves.

It's when Jungkook, so tall now, stands behind Jimin when he's unsure, the way he brings him water after practice, when he invites him to watch movies together. The simplicity of their relationship, a younger and an older, a love complete by their circumstances. When Jungkook first showed him his drawings, and continued to do so, trying so very hard to make his hyung proud.

Hoseok, who helps him see the world more positively, and enjoy the sunrises crowning the world instead of seeing them as a beginning to one more day. When Hobi laughs at insignificant things, seeing the humor instead of the hate. It's when he hugs Jimin, and tells him he's proud of him. It's sweet coffee and forgotten memories, rich and powerful love.

And Namjoon. Who reads Jimin his favorite parts of books, and tells him trivia about each of the constellations in the night sky. Who leaves small gifts for him all around his room, knowing that he'll find them sooner or later. He helps him with his English, and they watch three seasons of Friends together before the other catch on, and demand to be let into their secret too. It's Namjoon, who caught him as he fell, and pulled him back into the sun.

Because this is Bangtan. Love yourself, love myself, and there is nothing that Jimin loves more than the insignificant, (but appreciated.)



AN: Not my best work, but I felt super inspired, so sorry for any errors or stuff! Leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed, or think I should keep writing this! Your support mean so much, you have no idea.

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