Chapter Seventeen

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"Found you guys!"

As it turned out, they've made such obvious tracks all over the forest floor that it was Nico, a mere 8 year old kid, who found them by easily following the signs.

Iris couldn't deny his right to a bigger head. None of them could. Their trekk back to Julian's villa consisted of the boy with his nose so far up the sky, if he tried any harder they'd all get a glimpse of his brains. He got showered with praises left and right from people more than twice his age. A praise from his young master mattered the most though, evidently shown by how the boy pulled a neck muscle.

Every member was there to greet them back with Felicia at the lead. She was more worried for Julian than her son, but Iris guessed that Nico was not the type of kid his parent constantly fuss over. He was all by himself when he found them, for Pete's sake. For someone so young, he had clearly demonstrated that he could take care of himself. Iris had newfound respect for the kid. He was the real hero, conceited or not, he deserved all praise.

She never thought she'd be so happy to be back in the villa, surrounded by warm lights and the steady didn't mean she hated the whole thing that happened in the forest though. It was an undeniably significant moment for her.

"Nico, thanks." She said once everyone else looked to be done saying their piece. She'd found him just coming out of the dining area.

"Fufufu, I was wondering when I'd get a thanks from the lady." He had his hands on his waist, feet set apart, chest out and chin up. Only eight and he's already mastered the perfect pose of utter confidence. Some could learn a thing or two from him. "I think I deserve a reward."

He was looking at her pointedly. Iris mulled it over for a moment. "I can't offer much, but I can teach you how to throw a punch."

His pose shattered. "What? You're weird, lady!"

"What were you expecting?"

Nico tried to regain himself, eyes fleeting away from her as if she didn't deserve his attention any longer. "What are you, twelve? Are teenagers these days really this dense?"

"Why don't you just say it outright? I'll try to meet your expectations."


He was pouting. Iris had never been so conflicted up until now. He actually looked cute. Where was the mini Narcissus? Chewing her lips, she thought hard on how best to handle this. "You know that scary man? He's called Ares, and he's really popular where we come from. People say he can do lots of things. But he's not the one who got us out there. It's you, right? So why don't you show this lady what you want, and she'll try her best to give it?"

Nico had gone from pouting, to lips twitching, until a full-blown smile took over his face. Iris fought back a sigh of relief. "Fufufu, alright! Since you're begging for it, I'll tell. I want a kiss, lady!"


"Obviously! Wait, don't tell me you've never kissed anyone in your life?" A spark began to light up in his eyes. "Fufufu, I can't believe none of them's made a move on you especially after getting stuck on a dark forest...oh well, not that I'm surprised, those guys are way too weak! I'm probably more experienced than them so fate brought you to me. I'm gonna be your first!"

He suddenly turned his back on her and Iris heard him breathing hard against his palm consecutively, then he turned back around with a satisfied face. "I hope you like seafood. C'mere!"

He beckoned her close with a wiggling finger. As she bent down, his eyes closed and his lips puckered up. Iris didn't have a clue what to do. She looked at his face from all angles and he never moved an inch from his position. Come to think of it, Owen did this once back then. She'd seen him do this exact face to a pretty girl in their class. He didn't like it so much when he found out that Iris had tailed them that day, probably the first time he got angry at her.

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